CW Stroker

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#1 erstellt: 10. Nov 2004, 21:13
Morning evreybody...

hey as-xion+2er_polo if i remember right you were the expert with the cw strokers i am looking to buy 2 30 and am wanting to know how much power (RMS) can i put in to them and which amp would you suggest. i listen to rock most of the time with a little eminem in there.

thanks for the help josmuck
#2 erstellt: 10. Nov 2004, 21:47
There u can find a lot of people that are familiar with the Stroker: CVB-Forum

PS: It´s called CV Stroker

@Mods: Ich hoffe es ist ok, dass ich einen Link in ein anderes Forum gepostet habe? Falls nein, löscht´s einfach raus

[Beitrag von JPSpecial am 10. Nov 2004, 21:48 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 10. Nov 2004, 21:54
oops oh how i should of paid attetion at school.
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