Novex 1600w stable at 2ohm bridged?

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#1 erstellt: 09. Feb 2005, 15:43
Hi, I must write in english because I don't know german, so sorry
I'm gonna buying a Novex 1600 2 canal amplifier, for powering my new Audiobahn 1571T 500W RMS Dual Voice Coil Subwoofer.
I read that this amplifier is stable at 2 Ohms, but by question is:

Is it stable at 2 Ohms in *bridged* mode? In the way I can have 1x800W RMS @ 2 Ohms?

So I can power my subwoofer, or it's stable at 2Ohms only in stereo operation?
Thank you!
#2 erstellt: 09. Feb 2005, 16:06
don't buy this amp! it isn't stable at all...

[Beitrag von muni-mula am 09. Feb 2005, 16:06 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 09. Feb 2005, 16:12

sorry, but Novex is not known for good quality, so please don`t buy this.

Please try to read the "Einsteigertipps" (if possible for you), if not, we will try to help you to translate.

This Amplifier from Noves isn`t 1 Ohm stable.


///Edit : @Willy : you have flagged in your options the point "Gewerblicher Teilnehmer" this means, you are a Reseller of CarHifi, if this isn`t right, please unflag

[Beitrag von lotharlui am 09. Feb 2005, 16:15 bearbeitet]
#4 erstellt: 09. Feb 2005, 18:08
I'm searching for a "medium level" amplifier, quite good, but not the best of the best. What else would you suggest me for a reasonable price, around 100€?

@lotharlui: You wrote me isn't stable at 1 Ohm, right, but what about at 2 Ohms bridged? My sub is a DVC one with two 4 Ohms coils, so once wired should be 2 Ohms.

P.S. I removed the wrong flag
#5 erstellt: 09. Feb 2005, 18:13
if you wire it like that you will have 2 ohms. but in bridegd mode each channel will "see" half of it, that means 1 ohm! so it hast to be 1 ohm stable!

i think it is pretty hard to find an amp with over 500w rms, even at 2 ohm! if not impossible!

[Beitrag von Ozmaker am 09. Feb 2005, 18:14 bearbeitet]
#6 erstellt: 09. Feb 2005, 20:17
Excuse me, just for clarifying my ideas:

So for a 4Ohm Sub, I need a 2Ohm stable amplifier, and for a 2Ohm Sub, I need a 1Ohm stable amplifier?
#7 erstellt: 09. Feb 2005, 20:19
if you bridge a two channel or 4 channel amp it is right! if you want to use a mono amp it is enough if it´s 2 ohm stable!
#8 erstellt: 09. Feb 2005, 20:44
to become the power of 500RMS you must pay 300-400euro.....

the others from ebay for 100euro are not so good stuff and they dont have the power of 500RMS.....

Audiobahn is good, but he is just good with the right amp.....
#9 erstellt: 09. Feb 2005, 20:46
@Willy : for 100,- € it`s impossible to find a new medium-class amplifier, that would be quit enough for your sub.

For this amount, you can only hope to find some used mid-class-amp at Ebay or so (but not a 2 Ohm-brigded-stable-amp, this one would cost a lot more, even used).

#10 erstellt: 09. Feb 2005, 21:55
Well thank you all guys you saved me from a very bad purchase I got pretty scared on seeing the pics of the 1000W amps empty inside

I found the followings mono amps on eBay, can I have your opinions on them?

This is a McHammer, but it's in your bad list:

And this a Magnat:

I think I've understimate the costs... it's better if I review everything for my new car audio implant.
I'd rather prefer not to spend money for having a bad one
Thanks to all again
#11 erstellt: 09. Feb 2005, 22:19
U would need at least 225 Euros for an Audio System F2-190 Amplifier, that is 1 Ohm stable and has 550Watts rms in 2Ohm Bridge.

Otherwise U should have a look at a Used "Impulse SD1200", that would be the Cheapest Trick for lots of Watts. But dont ask for the Sound, it will be very attractive for a Beginner in Carhifi like U
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