Thorens Soundwalls HP 360

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#1 erstellt: 08. Nov 2007, 11:03
Thorens Soundwalls.HP 360 Dipole!

I have to write in english,my german is not very good,I`m afraid.
I was vondering if anyone could tell me something about theese speakers.I have just got a pair,and they look impressive!-But the middledome on both are boosted,unfortunatly..Hope to get a replacement thoug..
It is not mutch to find on the net regarding theese speakers,so if anyone can help...?

Regards Rune (from Norway!!)

[Beitrag von ulfsn am 08. Nov 2007, 11:05 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 08. Nov 2007, 17:23
You could try, to ask here:
It's the former producer of the 'Ecouton-Audiolabor' Speakers, Mr. Fricke and he is now specialized in overhauling and modifiing classical speakers in generally - so I suppose, he could also help You with the Problem of Your Thorens Soundwalls HP-360.

Best Regards


[Beitrag von Jeremy am 08. Nov 2007, 17:23 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 13. Nov 2007, 01:55

ulfsn schrieb:
Thorens Soundwalls.HP 360 Dipole!
...But the middledome on both are boosted,unfortunatly...

Hi Rune,

the (my) HP360 dipole seems to be original equipped with:
-1x HT Peerless Qc 931216 Cat.Nr. 811528 Z8Ohm, Made in DK
-1x MT ScanSpeak Type 13M3804 P2B SD, Made in DK
-9x TT Westra SW 160-502 4Ohm, Made in Germany (?)

In later HP380, a "KU 45 MRF 4Ohm" shall be installed for the mid's (so the circuit says).

I wrote it here, some month ago:

If you have some damaged chassis, it may be possible to fix them. Mr. Pfeiffer from Allkus did it with my ScanSpeak'ers.

Best regards, Matthias
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