Luxman L-430 faulty or not ?

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#1 erstellt: 02. Feb 2010, 01:36
As I like vintage amplifier I bought a Luxman L-430 which was faulty; i am not the first user
Frequently, due to direct voltage on the left channel, the output relay switched.
After spending lot of time i found the problem: the variable resistor was faulty.
This one (22K)adjust the offset of the output, with two resistors arround it. I have replaced the variable resistor.
Since few days it works, BUT
-----> on the service manual the value of resistors are 56K (R805 and R806) , on the printed circuit board the value are 5.6K. As they seems to be new, I wonder if it could be an error (the last owner try to repair it).

In order to have the best result I like to know who is faulty (service manual or resistor on printed circuit board)

Another thing: service manual seems to be faulty too, on the L-430 PCB they are 6LED on a channel but shematic show 4.It seems that some parts are inverted (preamplifier)

Can somebody could help to solve my problem?

#2 erstellt: 02. Feb 2010, 13:31
It is always diffcult to gain reliable information on the vintage Luxman audio gear. Best adress for Luxman service should be "K & N Audio-Video-Service". Maybe ask them.

Be shure you really set the voltage on both channels below 0,1 Volts after the Luxman has warmed up (15 - 30 min.)

If you like adjust both resistors, afterwards disconnect them and measure the resistance they have.
#3 erstellt: 02. Feb 2010, 14:02
Here the adress

Dieter is an Luxman-Expert.


#4 erstellt: 02. Feb 2010, 14:41
Hi Dominique,

nice to have you here!

First of all, I don´t own the L-430 nor I´ve the manual.

The R805/806 are in series with the VR22k ?! The VR provides the base voltage to the correspondent offset-transistor?!
Then 56k - 22k - 56k should be the accurate values.

:-) Detlef

[Beitrag von detegg am 02. Feb 2010, 14:43 bearbeitet]
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#5 erstellt: 02. Feb 2010, 22:12

Thanks for responses, i am happy to read them.
Yes i have adjusted outputs to have in average 5mV.
Yes R+VR+R adjust the offset.

In fact I have made and error.
The service manual don't tell values for R+VR+R.
On service manual 56K are in paralell of them, but on my PCB 56K are not in place (so 5.6K +VR22K +5.6K could be the right values)
I don't know if i am clear. I try to post a photo but Goethe langage is not easy for me!
I will contact Dieter to ask him.

(for informations my Luxman drives Cabasse Drakkar speakers whit a tweaked CD723 Philips and for me it sound great!)

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#6 erstellt: 02. Feb 2010, 23:47

R803 and R804 are not on the printed circuit board.
Service manual says it should be 56K.


Service manual do not indicate any value for this resistors.
Can somebody open his superb amplifier and tell me what are those values?

#7 erstellt: 03. Feb 2010, 13:17

I´ve just placed a link within the Luxman-Fan-Forum. May be there is someone who can help you with your specific problem.

:-) Detlef
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#8 erstellt: 03. Feb 2010, 14:42
Danke Detlef, i will post my question in thread Luxman.
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