Marantz 2500 fan voltage?

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#1 erstellt: 04. Jul 2011, 06:20
Hello Forum.....sorry, my german is not so good....I need some help with my newly acquired Marantz 2500.

Is there anybody on the forum that has a a Euro multi-voltage 2500? If so, please check the specs of the amplifier cooling fan. The service manual is not much help.....must be visually checked on the bak of the amplifier......

I am about to order a fan and I just want to make sure I get the right voltage.

#2 erstellt: 04. Jul 2011, 09:16

all 2500-2600 use a 117Vac boxer fan. Size is standard 119mm x 38mm.
Buy a model 4606N by EBM-PAPST, a very quiet ball bearing fan.
It fits in the Marantz 2500 like a hand in a glove

Regards, Helmut
#3 erstellt: 04. Jul 2011, 14:14
Hello Helmut.......big thanks to you......I will order the EBM fan..................thanks again for confirming the info.......
#4 erstellt: 04. Jul 2011, 14:22
Helmut......would you know where to get Fujitsu FRL253 relays?

If I can find a new one......I'll put it in the 2500....

MFG, Anders.
#5 erstellt: 04. Jul 2011, 16:48
Hello Anders, don't have a source for the softstart relay. But usually it is not necessary to replace it - just clean the relay-contacts.
But, always replace the speaker protection relay (on top of the power block). This one, I have in stock.

Regards, Helmut
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