Receiver Sansui 7000

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#1 erstellt: 03. Jun 2005, 18:19
Ich such Infotmationen zum meinem neuen
Receiver Sansui 7000.

Wann wurde er gebaut?

Was hat er damals gekostet?

Wie ist dieser Receiver klanglich einzuschätzen?
(Ich bin mit dem Klang sehr zufrieden)

Die Daten von der Homepage ""
habe ich schon.

Über zusätzlich Information wäre ich sehr dankbar.

#2 erstellt: 03. Jun 2005, 18:47

Morgan schrieb:

Wann wurde er gebaut?

Müsste Ende der 60er bis Mitte der 70er sein. Genauer:

One of the hottest issues among Sansui enthusiasts has been the introduction date of key products. The best known method to determine the introduction date is to check production date of each unit, and make a database to find the earliest production date for each questioned model.

The method to determine the production date is to look at the third digit of the nine digit serial number. If the unit is old, and has only eight digit serial number, the second digit should be the production year.

Another method, I have just discovered is to look at the back side of the front panel. If you find a small paper tag, or ink print that has 99-99-99 format on "M.D." row, it represents the production date in Japanese calendar. The first two digits is the Japanese Showa Period year, that is 1925 is the year one. Then, the next two digit is the month, and the last two digit is the date. Therefore, if one tag says 53-01-30, it means that the tag was printed on January 30th in 1978. This rule applies only models made between sometime mid 1970's to early 1980's. AU-9900A's does not follow this rule yet. Some later models, such as AU-G99X does not have any tug or print on it.
#3 erstellt: 03. Jun 2005, 18:53
Der G-701 ist die euopäische Variante des 7000er. (Schreibt jedenfalls der User jeremy woanders).

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