Gore Verbinski verfilmt BIOSHOCK

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#1 erstellt: 09. Mai 2008, 15:09

Universal and Gore Verbinski are going into "Bioshock."
Studio has signed a deal to turn last year's hit videogame, which won numerous awards and sold more than 2 million units worldwide, into a film.
The "Pirates of the Caribbean" helmer is attached to direct and produce. "Aviator" scribe John Logan is in talks to pen the screenplay.
"Bioshock" publisher Take-Two Interactive is getting a multimillion-dollar advance against gross points on the pic. It's believed to be the biggest videogame-to-movie deal since 2005, when U and Fox signed onto the since aborted "Halo" pic, for which Microsoft got $5 million against 10%.
Take-Two executive chairman Strauss Zelnick said the "state of the art" deal is structured so that "Bioshock" won't end up in turnaround like "Halo," which is back with Microsoft.
"The reason I structured it the way I did is to make sure it gets made," he emphasized.
"Bioshock" takes place in an underwater city based on the free market principles of Ayn Rand, but things have gone disastrously wrong. Players control a pilot who crash-lands at a secret entrance to the city, called Rapture, and is drawn into a power struggle during which he discovers that his will is not as free as he'd thought.
"I think the whole utopia-gone-wrong story that's cleverly unveiled to players is just brimming with cinematic potential," said Verbinski. "Of all the games I've played, this is one that I felt has a really strong narrative."
Take-Two has been approached by a number of producers and studios since the game came out in August but waited until it had swept most of the end-of-year industry awards and racked up impressive holiday sales before working with CAA to package the project. Universal got a first look and made a preemptive bid.
Zelnick, who was president of Fox in the early '90s, led the dealmaking for his company, rather than set the project up with a producer.
"One of the things we decided early on is that we didn't want to go through a producer," he commented. "It's terribly important to us to have a meaningful influence on how this project is produced. We didn't want any insulation between us."
Verbinski noted that Rapture's art deco design and visually arresting characters, such as the mechanical Big Daddys who protect genetically mutated girls called Little Sisters, particularly inspired him to see the game as a film.
Though no release date is even being targeted, Verbinski said he plans to start pre-production as soon as Logan's script is finished and approved by all involved.
Helmer has been regularly consulting with Ken Levine, the game's creative director, though it's not yet clear if the game developer will have a formal role in the film.
For Universal, project marks a return to the videogame space after the disastrous "Halo" experience. After more than a year of development, during which Peter Jackson was signed to exec produce and Neil Blomkamp to direct the "Halo" feature, U and Fox shut down the project over cost concerns.
"This deal gives Universal the opportunity to have the immersive, addictive universe of 'Bioshock' interpreted by a filmmaker with unrivaled abilities to convey story, action and large-scale, fantastical visuals," said U co-chairman David Linde.
Take-Two is developing a "Bioshock" sequel that will be released in 2009, almost certainly before the film comes out.
Though numerous videogames have been turned into movies and others are in the works, very few have been commercial or critical successes. Take-Two itself has turned down numerous attempts by Hollywood to option its Rockstar label's hit franchise "Grand Theft Auto." "Bioshock" marks the first movie deal ever for the publisher.

Quelle: variety.com
Ist häufiger hier
#2 erstellt: 09. Mai 2008, 18:35
Mal gucken, auf die erste richtig gute PC-Spiele Umsetzung warte ich noch immer.
Wobei ich bei dem Szenario so meine Bedenken habe...

Interessant, dass Take2 den Hollywood-Studios angeblich die Idee einen GTA-Film zu drehen ausgeschlagen hat.
Bei den schlechten Referenzen von PC-Spiele Umsetzungen sogar die richtige Entscheidung meiner Ansicht nach seitens Take2.
#3 erstellt: 08. Feb 2009, 23:53
hoffentlich wird das wirklich was
#4 erstellt: 10. Feb 2009, 14:16

WildWeasel schrieb:
Mal gucken, auf die erste richtig gute PC-Spiele Umsetzung warte ich noch immer.

Hallo? Far Cry!!!
#5 erstellt: 10. Feb 2009, 14:46
Bioshock hat zumindest das Potenzial...

Mal gucken, auf die erste richtig gute PC-Spiele Umsetzung warte ich noch immer.

Das Problem ist schlichtweg, dass diese Filmumsetzungen meistens auf Spielen basieren, bei denen die Hintergrundstory sekundär bis belanglos war (Doom 3, Postal, Far Cry).

#6 erstellt: 11. Feb 2009, 08:34
Das ist doch kein Argument. Street Fighter mit VanDamme ist ein Meisterwerk des modernen Films und hat sogut wie keine Storybasis. Genau wie Mortal Kombat und Alone in The Dark!
#7 erstellt: 26. Apr 2009, 13:39

Universal Pictures has put the brakes on "Bioshock," the Gore Verbinski-directed live action adaptation of the bestselling Take-Two Interactive vidgame. The picture was in pre-production, but the studio has halted that effort--and let some production staff go--as Universal and Verbinski figure out a way to make the film at a more reasonable budget.
Sources said that the John Logan-scripted picture was gearing up to shoot in Los Angeles, but that changed when the budget rose to the vicinity of $160 million. U and Verbinski are looking at alternatives like shooting in London as a way to pare costs. The plotline takes place in the underwater city Rapture, where a pilot crash-lands near a secret entrance and becomes involved in a power struggle.
"We were asked by Universal to move the film outside the U.S. to take advantage of a tax credit," Verbinski said. "We are evaluating whether this is something we want to do. In the meantime, the film is in a holding pattern."
Verbinski and sources at the studio say they are determined to make the pic. Indeed, Verbinski (who has also been directing the Paramount animated film "Rango" with Johnny Depp) bowed out of directing a fourth installment of "Pirates of the Caribbean" so that he could direct "Bioshock" and produce under his Blind Wink banner.
Studio sources said that the budget simply became untenable, but U sources said this is no different than when the studio delayed the start of the untitled Robin Hood pic that Ridley Scott is now directing with Russell Crowe starring. U is making that picture for $130 million, a much lower budget that in its first incarnation. For a number of reasons that included the need for extra script work, that picture temporarily halted, a move which enabled Crowe to star in "State of Play" when Brad Pitt fell out.
All parties vow that "Bioshock" will not become another "Halo," the live action adaptation of the Microsoft game that was going to be turned into a film by U and Fox until both studios got cold feet and cancelled the deal over budget fears.
Universal acquired "Bioshock" in a multi-million dollar deal against gross points with Take-Two

Quelle: variety.com
#8 erstellt: 26. Apr 2009, 21:21
Danke für die Info

@ Ich hoffe auch das Beste, kann mich kaum an eine gute Spielverfilmung erinnern

Ist häufiger hier
#9 erstellt: 27. Apr 2009, 18:33
Die Story von Bioshock taugt schon für einen Film, aber jeder erlebt solch ein Spiel anders, malt es sich ähnlich wie beim Lesen eines Buchs anders aus, trifft andere Entscheidungen, spielt vorsichtiger oder actionorientierter - da ist es klar, dass eine filmische Umsetzung fast nur schief gehen kann. Einzig Resident Evil 1 konnte mich bislang überzeugen. Mal sehen, was bei Bioshock herauskommt.
#10 erstellt: 27. Apr 2009, 21:00
Ich denke, dass man bei Bioshock guter Dinge sein kann.

1. stimmt das Budget
2. ist das Tema dahinter sehr vielversprechend
und 3. bietet das Spiel sehr viele Bausteine, auf die ein Film aufbauen kann.

Das Ergebnis könnte ein richtig innovativer Film sein. Schräg, kreativ, morbid und ordentlich Action.

- da ist es klar, dass eine filmische Umsetzung fast nur schief gehen kann.

Es gibt jedoch auch genug Beispiele dafür, dass es auch gut funktionieren kann. Silent Hill z.B. ist ein super Beispiel für eine mehr als gelungene Adaption
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