Denon PMA-495R or Onkyo A-9211

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#1 erstellt: 29. Nov 2005, 23:49

First of all, sorry for writing in english. I know this is a german forum. But there are only a few foruns dedicated do Hi-Fi in english. Here's the problem...

I'm new to the hi-fi world and need some advice.

Last month I decided I was going to buy a turntable. I'm thinking of the Stanton T-60 turntable. I know that most audiophiles would recommend me the Rega P3, but the main reason I want Stanton T-60 it's because: it's really affordable and nice for a beginner's DJ (me! )

Oh well, let's cut to the chase. I'm thinking in buying an integrated amplifier with a phono stage. The two models that stood out are:

- Onkyo A-9211
- Denon PMA-495R (this model only exists in europe) (in German)

They seemed to me to be the best according to reviews I've read for amp's under 300€. Other option that I also consider is the NAD C320BEE + NAD PP2, but the price dramatically rises to 420€.

Oh well, could anyone advice me on which amp to choose? Or suggest another good or better one? But, please do bear in mind that I live in Portugal and some brands are really hard to find.

Best regards,


P.S: Hope there's no problem in posting here.

[Beitrag von firewalkwithme am 29. Nov 2005, 23:50 bearbeitet]
Ist häufiger hier
#2 erstellt: 06. Dez 2005, 21:42

I'm no HiFi-professional myself. Nevertheless I know, most people of this forum would advice to test your amplifier with your own speakers in your own room.

If this isn't possible, to give an advice, it would help to know which speakers you listen to (maybe a reason why nobody else could answer your question). Some speakers afford amplifiers with more stable current supply. Remember the speakers are the most important part of your HiFi-equipment.

Your considered amps (the denon and the onkyo) seem to be worth their price. I guess they match the most speakers too. I would add the Yamaha Amps (AX-496 or AX-596) to your selection,


[Beitrag von ram21 am 06. Dez 2005, 22:37 bearbeitet]
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