For Sale: Audio Aero Capitole Reference SE CD Player

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#1 erstellt: 13. Jun 2011, 07:12
Up for sale is my Audio Aero Capitole Reference SE CDP. It is the Signature Edition which has upgraded caps and cryoed tubes. It is the top end CD (Redbook only) player from Audio Aero. The salient features of this CDP are as follows:

1. It has a Philips CD Pro2 transport mechanism

2. Uses the top of the line Burr Brown PCM 1792 DAC

3. Tube Output Stage

4. Has a preamp in built, so it comes with a volume control which totally functions in the analog domain.

5. Has a Digital In so that one can connect an external transport or computer to play hi-rez

6. Works on any voltage from 110 to 240 V

7. Comes default with Black Diamond Racing cones for isolation

8. Has an analog In so that one connect any other source through its preamp.

9. Ouptut stage has the Teflon VCaps instead of the regular Hovland caps, also the tubes are cryoed.

The SE mods alone cost $700, mine comes modded from factory. There are tons of reviews about this CD player. It has a magical midrange, three dimensional and full bodied with a very accurate tone and timbre. The soundstage extends beyond my speakers. It clearly outclasses my previous Reimyo in almost every area of music reproduction. It is not a player which does only the hifi things right. It makes music. Costs USD 9990 new, contact me for the selling price.

Auditions are welcome.
#2 erstellt: 13. Jun 2011, 12:54
This one was very fast !
Ist häufiger hier
#3 erstellt: 14. Jun 2011, 19:19
I am sure your next buy is Burmester 069
#4 erstellt: 15. Jun 2011, 04:37
I had an opportunity to listen to this dac at Abhi’s place recently. Very musical player with great tone. Great opportunity to pick up a good player at a good price ! Best of luck with the sale Abhi.
#5 erstellt: 15. Jun 2011, 05:40
Thanks SW.
Honestly, I am enjoying this CDP a lot hence I am not very aggressive about the sale, else Audiogon would have been the way to go.
#6 erstellt: 15. Jun 2011, 14:08
Try Another Pre & Retain the CDP ??
#7 erstellt: 15. Jun 2011, 16:47

Amp_Nut schrieb:
Try Another Pre & Retain the CDP ??

Possible Amp_Nut. I am open to that as well. However a preamp would be another significant investment (unless I am really lucky to get an amazing deal or something) and I am not in a position to commit to that kind of an investment anytime soon. That is the reason I have kept it as plan B.

In any case I will try not to degrade from where I am now, the next CDP/DAC should be close to AA in my system if not better. I do have couple of things in my mind which I would like to try out before finally selling the AA.
#8 erstellt: 15. Jun 2011, 19:07

abhi.pani schrieb:
Up for sale is my Audio Aero Capitole Reference SE CDP. It is the Signature Edition which has upgraded caps and cryoed tubes. It is the top end CD (Redbook only) player from Audio Aero. The salient features of this CDP are as follows:

1. It has a Philips CD Pro2 transport mechanism

2. Uses the top of the line Burr Brown PCM 1792 DAC

3. Tube Output Stage

4. Has a preamp in built, so it comes with a volume control which totally functions in the analog domain.

5. Has a Digital In so that one can connect an external transport or computer to play hi-rez

6. Works on any voltage from 110 to 240 V

7. Comes default with Black Diamond Racing cones for isolation

8. Has an analog In so that one connect any other source through its preamp.

9. Ouptut stage has the Teflon VCaps instead of the regular Hovland caps, also the tubes are cryoed.

The SE mods alone cost $700, mine comes modded from factory. There are tons of reviews about this CD player. It has a magical midrange, three dimensional and full bodied with a very accurate tone and timbre. The soundstage extends beyond my speakers. It clearly outclasses my previous Reimyo in almost every area of music reproduction. It is not a player which does only the hifi things right. It makes music. Costs USD 9990 new, contact me for the selling price.

Auditions are welcome.

gain from Capitole Ref + tube preamp is forcing the sale of this unit?
#9 erstellt: 15. Jun 2011, 19:31
I have some other plans (travel related).
#10 erstellt: 16. Jun 2011, 05:21
Abhi, this could be next on your list
a nice review Here
#11 erstellt: 22. Aug 2011, 05:11
The CDP is SOLD .

Another update is, I have sold my entire system (ATC, SL, AP et al..). I am relocating to Singapore for couple of years hence this decision. I dont know if I am going to have another system soon, but whenever it will be, it will be from scratch. May be same/similar components would come in again because I was not even beginning to outgrow my current system, far from it actually. My plan was to at least keep the amp + speaker combo for 6-7 years and work on other aspects (source, preamp, power, isolation etc) but it was far too dramatic than I had ever planned. It all sold within 15 days. I was advised by some of our audiophile friends to carry it all to Spore but somehow I was not comfortable doing all this exercise especially considering that I will be busy settling down for at least couple of months, the risk of damage during shipping, handling customs while coming back to India etc etc. I would rather wait for a good deal out there and have some fun rebuilding my system .

Whenever any of you guys are in Spore, please ping me and we will meet. May be a trip to Adelphi would spice it up
#12 erstellt: 31. Aug 2011, 17:13
hey Abhi,
All the very best for your new assignment/stint in S'pore.

I will definitely connect the next time I'm in S'pore.

#13 erstellt: 05. Sep 2011, 03:10
Awaiting with bated breath to see what you assemble now in Singapore Abhi
#14 erstellt: 08. Sep 2011, 22:06

abhi.pani schrieb:
The CDP is SOLD .

Another update is, I have sold my entire system (ATC, SL, AP et al..). I am relocating to Singapore for couple of years hence this decision. I dont know if I am going to have another system soon, but whenever it will be, it will be from scratch. May be same/similar components would come in again because I was not even beginning to outgrow my current system, far from it actually. My plan was to at least keep the amp + speaker combo for 6-7 years and work on other aspects (source, preamp, power, isolation etc) but it was far too dramatic than I had ever planned. It all sold within 15 days. I was advised by some of our audiophile friends to carry it all to Spore but somehow I was not comfortable doing all this exercise especially considering that I will be busy settling down for at least couple of months, the risk of damage during shipping, handling customs while coming back to India etc etc. I would rather wait for a good deal out there and have some fun rebuilding my system .

Whenever any of you guys are in Spore, please ping me and we will meet. May be a trip to Adelphi would spice it up :prost

all the best for Singapore, AP. which company will you be working for there?
You might find yourself settling in at Adelphi more than in your apartment!!
#15 erstellt: 11. Sep 2011, 07:01
Thanks guys.

It is one week now in Spore and I have held myself back from going in the Adelphi direction. However I have an invite from a senior audiophile here to visit his place and audition his APL NWO-M CDP. That should be a good start

[Beitrag von abhi.pani am 11. Sep 2011, 07:02 bearbeitet]
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