5090 vs KRP 500A Preis

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 15. Mrz 2009, 23:33

ich würde gerne wissen, wo genau die Unterschiede bei den beiden Modellen liegen.

Hat der KRP 500A einen besseren Schwarzwert, Kontrast etc. , oder ist es wirklich nur das Design mit der Media Box die extern ist.

Desweitern würde ich gerne wissen, dass jetzt wo Pionner keine Plasmas mehr produziert, die noch erhältlichen Modelle, besonders der 5090 und KRP500A, noch billiger werden oder ob sie einfach irgendwann vom Markt verschwinden werden.

Kann mir jemand was dazu sagen?

#2 erstellt: 16. Mrz 2009, 00:11
Wenn du mit der externen media box klar kommst nimm den KRP. Die KRP serie hat zwar vom prinzip her die gleichen panels wie die '90, hat aber eine deutlich bessere Ansteuerungselektronik und den 'pure'/'rein' modus mit sehr genauen farbdekoder. Schwarzwert sollte bei beiden sereien ztiemlich gleich gut sein.
#3 erstellt: 16. Mrz 2009, 09:36
Es sind beide 9G Geräte also das selbe Gerät nur ist der eine (KRP 500 A/M) die Monitorversion,nicht mehr aber auch nicht weniger.

Sogar einige Besitzer vom 500er sagen selber das sie keine Unterschiede vom Bild zum LX5090 sehen.
Habe auch vor meinem Kauf beide verglichen und konnte keinen Unterschied sehen.

Wenn dir die Mediabox wichtig ist und damit die 3cm in der Tiefe weniger dann nimm den Krp,der pure modus ist auch ein Vorteil für den Krp (aber wenn man den LX5090 kalibriert ist der Vorteil auch wieder weg)
#4 erstellt: 16. Mrz 2009, 10:42
bin aktuell auch mit meinem Händler am "Rumkaspern":

Er: KRP wegen Lichteinfall
Ich: für das bischen TV (für Film gibts eine Leinwand) reicht auch der 5090(H)

Ciao; Harald
#5 erstellt: 16. Mrz 2009, 13:03

avforums.com schrieb:
Picture performance:
Once I was satisfied we couldn’t squeeze any more from the 500A through calibration, I sat back to watch material from various sources. The 500A was set up next to an LX5090 from Pioneer and a PDP-508XD. All the sets where calibrated with the 500A in Pure mode and the two other screens in movie mode, (the closest those sets have to Pure).
Starting off with normal SD material was an eye opener. The 500A looked crisp and natural with very little noise in the image. This was surprising as Pioneer had claimed there shouldn’t be any major differences between the 500A and the 5090. However it was clear to see that the KRP was smoother and more pleasing on the eye than the 5090. I am a little stuck on why there are differences and indeed asking Pioneer didn’t provide any firm answers either. It would appear that because these models are three months on from the first 9G screens, along with having new components and no internal tuners, they have an edge in picture terms. Plus the fact that [colour space 2] is also now accurate to the standard and the all in one models are still under saturated in this mode also adds some further evidence of the differences.
Standard definition looked very good with the excellent processing from the Pioneer. There is still some noise and edge definition missing with SD, but nothing is going to ever change that.

Next we used HD content from SKY and Planet Earth on BBC HD looked utterly breathtaking. The shadow detail and vivid, yet accurate colour saturation added an unbelievable, three dimensional feel to the images. The blacks were super deep but not at the expense of fine detail in the shadows, and colours like the lush green foliage of the forests looked extremely realistic. Edge definition was also stunning with no signs of noise and indeed this was the 500A’s big plus point.

Even feeding Blu-ray in the guise of Sunshine just had me wanting to watch the whole movie. The opening scenes of the spaceship as the camera pans from the bright front end, to the backside in the darkness was a sight to behold. The amount of fine detail seen in the black dark areas of the ship is incredible. Comparing screens with this scene paused; you could see where the accuracy of the 500A was pulling away from the other two Pioneer screens. We could see the finest detail on the KRP but on the other two screens it just wasn’t as visible. Colours again just looked more natural and noise-free when compared side by side.

Overall the KRP-500A displays the best possible picture quality I have ever seen from a consumer TV and the fact that this performance is available out of the box, has me writing this review in disbelief.

The KRP-500A also follows the now tried and tested Pioneer family trait of passing all our video processing tests and joins the other screens from the company in providing some of the best processing seen. This is obviously another area where Pioneer excels and spends the money to get the best performance.
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