LG LB1R: The "humming" - what's the story

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#1 erstellt: 29. Jun 2006, 22:17

I am currently considering buying an LG 37LB1R or a Philips 37PF9830.

Clearly I expect the Philips to deliver a substantially better picture quality although I haven't found a store where I could compare the two of them. Can anyone comment on the magnitude of the difference in quality?

I plan on attaching an WinMCE HTPC and at some point in the future watch HD-DVD (probably using Windows Vista at that time). Apart from that it will be used for regular TV watching - especially football.

I have two concerns over the LG:
1) Some people here have reported some "humming" - what is the story with this issue?

2) How does it perform in showing fast motion pictures such as football and the like?

On another note: Should I attach *that* much importance to the 1:1 pixel mapping ability (the Philips doesn't support it)? I mean, I should still be easy to read/navigate WinMCE and probably also Vista even without 1:1 mapping. How will DVD and/or HD-DVD film turn out without 1:1-mapping?

#2 erstellt: 30. Jun 2006, 07:32

if you want connect a HTPC your first choice would be the LG37LB1R, because this is one of the only you will get a perfect picture on the TV (no scaling, 1:1 with 1360x768 with VGA and HDMI/DVI)!

I have no problem (LG37LB1R) with your issues (1) and (2)!

Regards Manero

[Beitrag von manero am 30. Jun 2006, 07:33 bearbeitet]
Ist häufiger hier
#3 erstellt: 30. Jun 2006, 10:27

I have no "humming" with my device.
It seems to be a problem with the most TFT's also from other company's.
Maybe a problem of cabling ??

Regarding the display speed:
I have watched the most football matches from the championchip 2006.
The picture is excelent, and in my eyes very fast.

And yes, it's very important to keep an eye on the 1:1 pixel aspect, if you want to connect a computer.
#4 erstellt: 30. Jun 2006, 13:13
Regarding 1:1 pixel mapping: Perhaps one should consider not to compromise in choosing the LCD but rather hope for graphic card makers to fill the gap in the market for graphic cards being able to supply 1366 x 768 (preferably over HDMI-output)...?

Do you know if such an graphic card already exist (this is probably a question for the HTPC-forum)?

#5 erstellt: 30. Jun 2006, 13:13

I had that "humming" on my 32LB1R. I replaced this TV with the LP1R and I'm very satisfied with it now. Perhaps my LB was one of the first 32"s and LG can now deliver devices without the "humming" effect.

Apart from this, the LB was a very good device, although now I will not miss my LP because of the HDMI- and DVI-ports.
#6 erstellt: 30. Jun 2006, 17:56

Clearly I expect the Philips to deliver a substantially better picture quality although I haven't found a store where I could compare the two of them...

I don't see why this should be so clear...
#7 erstellt: 30. Jun 2006, 21:55

paul71 schrieb:

Clearly I expect the Philips to deliver a substantially better picture quality although I haven't found a store where I could compare the two of them...

I don't see why this should be so clear...

Well, I am not going to discuss to what degree that it's clear or not. I would much rather hear from people who have compared the two LCDs and have their opinion.

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