Frage zu Kontrast.

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#1 erstellt: 19. Jun 2007, 19:29
Könnt ihr mir sagen was bei vielen LG LCD's mit "dynamischer Kontrast" gemeint ist?
Gibt's da nen Unterschied zum herkömmlichen Kontrast?
#2 erstellt: 20. Jun 2007, 06:49
Auszug aus Wiki:

[edit] Dynamic contrast ratio
A notable recent development in the LCD technology is the so called "dynamic contrast" (DC). When there is a need to display a dark image, the display would underpower the backlight lamp (or decrease the aperture of the projector's lens using a shutter), but will proportionately amplify the transmission through the LCD panel. This gives the benefit of realizing the potential static contrast ratio of the LCD panel in dark scenes, when the image is watched in a dark room. The drawback is that if a dark scene does contain small areas of superbright light, they may be sacrificed and blown out.

The trick for the display is to determine how much of the highlights may be unnoticeably blown out in a given image under the given ambient lighting conditions.

Brightness, as it is most often used in marketing literature, refers to the emitted luminous intensity on screen measured in candela per square metre (cd/m^2). The higher the number, the brighter the screen.

It is also common to market only the dynamic contrast ratio capability of a display (when it is better than its static contrast ratio), which should not be directly compared to the static contrast ratio. A plasma display with a static 5000:1 contrast ratio will show superior contrast to an LCD display with 5000:1 dynamic and 1000:1 static contrast ratio when the input signal contains full range of brightnesses from 0 to 100% simultaneously. However they will be on par when input signal ranges only from 0 to 20% brightness.

Auch bekannt als: "Pumpeffekt"

Besser sind panels, die einen Lichtsensor für die Raumhelligkeit haben und die Hintergrundbeleuchtung an die Umgebungshelligkeit anpassen.


#3 erstellt: 20. Jun 2007, 19:22
Ok danke für die Antwort.

Aber wie sieht das jetzt aus wenn man im Vergleich nur LCD's hernimmt.

Was ist besser ein LCD mit dynamik Kontrast von z.B.5000:1 oder ein LCD mit statischem Kontrast von sagen wir 1300:1 ?!?

Das steht ja in deinem schlauen Auszug leider nicht drin.
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