HIFI-FORUM » Fernseher & Beamer » Plasma-Fernseher » Panasonic » Panasonic GW10 series Astra HD+ Compatibility | |
Panasonic GW10 series Astra HD+ Compatibility+A -A |
Autor |
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Neuling |
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erstellt: 10. Dez 2009, |||||
Hello!, Forgive me for writing in English, but I did not want to mutilate the German language trying to accurately describe my problem! I can understand German ok, so feel free to respond in German! I just purchased the Panasonic GW10 Series 42" TV, turned it on, choose the ASTRA satellite, and started watching German television. I only found 1 HD channel and that was the preview channel for HD+. The entire reason why I purchased the Panasonic was so I did not need to buy an HD (DVB-S2) receiver to view HD channels, but according to hd-plus.de I need a CI card to access those channels. Media Markt, where I bought the TV, was listed as a distributer of Astra CI cards so I went to the store to purchase the CI card. I was then informed that my brand new Panasonic did not have a CI+ (2.0) card slot and I would not be able to watch Astra HD+ channels without buying a receiver. ????????????? ![]() Is the salesman at Media Markt correct? I can not view "free" HD channels on Astra without a receiver? But I can watch the HD preview channel on Astra that tells me I need a card that wont work on my TV, while watching my TV?? I am watching the very HD signal that I am being told I cant watch without a CI+ card???? ![]() Have any of you experienced the same problem? If so what was your solution? I am simply frustrated by the entire confusing HD signal market in Germany, and I need help! Thank you very much for your time and comments! -Tyler |
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erstellt: 10. Dez 2009, |||||
Hi Tyler, in order to watch the new HD+ satellite programs (SAT1, Pro7, RTL etc.) --->with a TV only<--- you need three things: A Smart Card for HD+, sold in bundle with an external receiver or may be as a single card (but where i dont know), fee paid for first year of use, but then you have to pay 50.- € for each following year. A television with a CI+ ready CI (Common Interface), like a newer Sony or some other specified models (no Panasonic in the moment, maybe a firmware upgrade will enable this feature for 2009 models, but you will not get a clear statement by Panasonic yet!). And a -->legacy<--- CI+ CAM (Conditional Access Modul), but in the moment you wont get any! They are expected to be available in the second half of the next year, but nobody will give you any warranty for it. Hope this helps, Volker |
Neuling |
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erstellt: 10. Dez 2009, |||||
Thanks Volker! It seems a really odd way to go about broadcasting HD signals, definitely not customer friendly. Then again it seems like every country in Europe has a different system that they use to broadcast, it must drive the design engineers for TV's crazy. "And a -->legacy<--- CI+ CAM (Conditional Access Modul), but in the moment you wont get any! They are expected to be available in the second half of the next year, but nobody will give you any warranty for it." Well lets hope Panasonic provides a firmware update so I can use "with a TV only" CI+ card when it comes out! Again thank you for the help! |
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erstellt: 10. Dez 2009, |||||
Full ACK
Just my 2cents: For me it seems as HD+ will not survive for a long time. It is to complicated (if you want to use it without legacy receiver) and --->extremely restrictive<--- (like former DRM models in online music shops). And at least you will get a lot of upscaled standard-definition content.
You are welcome... ![]() Volker [Beitrag von *VHau* am 10. Dez 2009, 19:01 bearbeitet] |
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erstellt: 10. Dez 2009, |||||
Sorry Tyler, but i didn´t recognize this before... Normally there should be also Arte HD, Anixe HD and the showcases of ARD & ZDF HD. They will start their regular HD transmissions (Anixe HD & Arte HD have yet started) with the beginning of the winter olympic games (12.01.2010), but before christmas there are also some transmissions in HD (look for informations in the internet). Normally you should find these four HD senders, they are free to air, so you do not need a smartcard or a CAM at all, only a HD-able satellite TV / receiver. --->Maybe you have to start an "extended" frequency scan in the Panasonic TV menu<--- Also at 12.01.2010 EinsFestival (free to air) will send regular HD transmissions. Good luck, Volker [Beitrag von *VHau* am 10. Dez 2009, 20:40 bearbeitet] |
Neuling |
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erstellt: 11. Dez 2009, |||||
Okay! ![]() I tell you one thing though, you HIFI guys have my respect. I have been dealing with the complications of German HDTV for only a couple of months and I feel like banging my head against a wall! I can't imagine what it must be like to have lived here and dealt with it since the beginning! I would want to find whoever is responsible for this complicated mess and do this ![]() |
Ist häufiger hier |
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erstellt: 11. Dez 2009, |||||
Ok, you will receive "free" HD with a DVB-S2 TV / receiver and without CI / CAM / smartcard, but only a handfull.
Be sure that the situation in digital cable TV networks is even worser. There you will find even less HD content (free to air & encrypted!) and particularly no (easy and / or legal) possibility to decrypt signals without their legacy hardware. Very frustrating for all buyers of new expensive TVs with built-in DVB-C which did not inform theirselves very detailed. To do this, you just have to be an expert --->before<--- (or to do a lot of investigation in internet forums). And to consult the (most) salesmen in big markets is really no good idea... If you want to punish all which are responsible for this disaster, you will shurely need a thousands blades fusion reactor driven fully automatic laserguided chainsaw, just to get ready in time. ![]() [Beitrag von *VHau* am 11. Dez 2009, 13:39 bearbeitet] |
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