UK G10 Eigentümer sucht Gammakontrolle

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#1 erstellt: 20. Jan 2010, 00:13

Firstly, apologies for my German, you hope this translation work! : D

This is a great forum, and I hope someone can help me. Some of you may know that G10 does not have owners in the United Kingdom, the advanced settings in the user menu, and we are not happy because it is not even in our service menu can be regulated.

I have read about the great work of your Marc Wessels and I have thrown on the line 40 into the EEPROM peaks a glance, and it is as follows;

19 06 19 00 31 03 02 20

This is the menu of the S10 clearly very similar. Could someone speculate, what would happen if I should just change this value, because the S10 users will have, I would be confronted with a brick.?

Are there any other information you might need for me.

Thank you so much in advance!

Considerations, and Cheers: cheers

[Beitrag von hodg100 am 20. Jan 2010, 00:46 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 20. Jan 2010, 01:46
One S10E owner changed the value 11 in line 40 to 0E for a G15E and after that the screen was dead.
If you change the value 03 at your G10B there is a good chance to kill the whole thing.

[Beitrag von mgb am 20. Jan 2010, 01:47 bearbeitet]
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