Samsung EH5000 mit "Full LED Backlight"?

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#1 erstellt: 22. Dez 2012, 16:41
Meine Frage richtet sich an Personen die sich mit dem den aktuellen Samsung Modellen technisch sehr gut auskennen.

Laut hat der Samsung UE32EH5000 keine Edge LEDs, sondern sie sind hinter dem Panel angeordnet, was sich natürlich sehr positiv auswirkt. Er hat einen besseren Schwarzwert und eine bessere Ausleuchtung als die ES7000/ES8000 Serie:

Black Level

Even without needing to place a probe on the TV, we could already tell that the Samsung UE-32EH5000′s black level was very, very good. Our subjective impression was subsequently backed up by objective measurements which confirmed that the set is capable of delivering some of the deepest blacks we’ve witnessed on an LCD-based display this year.

Like all Samsung LED TVs we’ve reviewed this year, the UE32EH5000 automatically shuts off its backlight – this is unavoidable regardless of which picture preset is used – when asked to display a full black screen. The auto-dimming can be defeated by presenting even the tiniest amount of non-black content on screen, for example a pause icon. Using this method to prevent the LEDs from being turned off completely, we measured calibrated black level to be 0.035 cd/m2 on a full-field video black scene.

Amazingly, this deep level of blacks was retained even on an ANSI checkerboard pattern: our light meter returned the exact same figure of 0.035 cd/m2 (ok, 0.0351). To put the EH5000′s outstanding black-level performance into perspective, the numbers recorded on the ES8000 and ES7000 – Samsung’s high-end models costing several times more – were 0.05 and 0.056 cd/m2 respectively (the lower the number, the deeper the blacks, and vice versa).

Granted, the Samsung UE32EH5000′s LED bulbs are positioned differently from those on the ES8000/ ES7000: on the former, they are arranged behind the whole LCD screen (albeit without local dimming technology); whereas on the latter the LEDs are mounted along the edges, allowing for a slimmer design. But if adding a few inches to a TV’s waistline can bring about better black levels, then we’ll be the first to sign up to a “Say No To Size Zero” campaign!

Screen & Backlight Uniformity

Distributing the LED lamps evenly across the entire panel at the expense of a thinner chassis seemed to have benefited screen and backlight uniformity as well. Even in a pitch-dark room, there was nary a hint of clouding nor banding visible on predominantly dark content. If we peered really hard, the top and bottom left corners on our 32EH5000 review sample appeared very slightly – and we do mean very slightly – brighter, but that’s getting into nitpicking territory.

Die Frage ist, ob dies für alle EH Modelle in allen Größen gilt? Haben alle EH Modelle hinter dem Panel angeordnete LEDs?


OK habe nun mehrfach gelesen das die EH Modelle alle direct LED Backlight haben, sehr gut.

Edit hgdo: Titel korrigiert

[Beitrag von hgdo am 22. Dez 2012, 23:48 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 04. Jan 2013, 13:01
das Thema war/ist auch für mich immernoch Interessant. Ich habe ein EH5200sxzg und mir wurde hier auch bestätigt das dieser Full-LED hat.

Mich wundert es nur das man über Tante Google kaum was zu dem Thema findet. Bei den meisten Seiten wird,zumindest mein Modell,mit Edge-LED angegeben.
Desweitern,was ich so gelesen habe,sollen die TV`s mit Full-LED etwas teurer sein,was sich ja dann teils widerspricht da z.b. mein Modell in der niedrigpreiskategorie einzuordnen ist.
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