Portable PA

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#1 erstellt: 02. Sep 2020, 15:21
Hi everyone ,

I'm Marko from Zagreb, Croatia.

I'm looking to buy small portable PA for small house parties up to 50 people like:
- Fun Generation Satmix 2.1
- LD Systems Dave 10
- HK Audio Lucas Nano 302

I tried to search for some reviews but couldn't find anything on english cause I don't speak german (sorry for that )

Can you help with your own experience if you have ever listened any of those? What are pros/cons from your POV?

Thank you good people!


#2 erstellt: 02. Sep 2020, 17:50

for a 50 Pax House Musik Party but I would imagine something much better than such little Budget DJ - Systems ...


[Beitrag von P@Freak am 02. Sep 2020, 18:30 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 02. Sep 2020, 19:08
First of all you should precisely formulate your requirements for such a system.

Then we need a definite budget to make proper recommendations.

And last but not least you should tell us exactly what equipment you might already have
and which parts of it shall be used along with your new PA system.

Kind regards.
#4 erstellt: 03. Sep 2020, 09:51
First of all, the Fun Generation is not more than a toy and no suitable PA system. You should prevent to buy equipment from Aura, Fun Generation, etc. if you don't want to exchange it every year, because it's broken.

Both other system are a from my point of view to small, to cover 50 people. Here, the exact application (room size, overall people or dancing, style of music, club level or background music, etc.). Instead of the LD Dave 10, the LD Dave 12 could fit, depending on the boundary conditions. With the Dave 15 you can play for around 80-100 people indoor for party, but not on club level with Goa, Hardstyle or HipHop regarding low frequencies. Between the Dave 12 and Dave 15 is a significant difference in the performance, so I have heard the system several times, but never checked the max level in real conditions.
#5 erstellt: 03. Sep 2020, 12:50
Then we need a definite budget to make proper recommendations.

500 ÷ 600€

And last but not least you should tell us exactly what equipment you might already have
and which parts of it shall be used along with your new PA system.

DJ Controller Numark MT3Pro
#6 erstellt: 03. Sep 2020, 13:23
Maybe get a decent used HiFi system? Will fit the budget, and will probably make you a lot happier than that pseudo-PA electronic waste
#7 erstellt: 03. Sep 2020, 13:47
[quote="86bibo (Beitrag #4)"]First of all, the Fun Generation is not more than a toy and no suitable PA system. You should prevent to buy equipment from Aura, Fun Generation, etc. if you don't want to exchange it every year, because it's broken.

[i]This is what bothered me about FG, thanks on a tip bro :prost[/i]
#8 erstellt: 03. Sep 2020, 13:49

stoneeh (Beitrag #6) schrieb:
Maybe get a decent used HiFi system? Will fit the budget, and will probably make you a lot happier than that pseudo-PA electronic waste :KR

I have tried that and it's ok for a good fun, but power is somewhat lacking
#9 erstellt: 03. Sep 2020, 13:50
Thank you all, I guess its impossible to buy something useful under 1000 €
#10 erstellt: 03. Sep 2020, 14:08
If your target really is 50 people with at least Club/Disco SPL, then yes, about 1000€ is the minimum.
And even with that (much) money you only get beginners-equipment.

I don't know what marketplaces for used electronics you have in croatia.
But you can look up possible offers in/around your location and post them here.
We then can have a look at them and tell you whether the stuff matches your usecase or not.

For 50 people indoor with good volume i'd recommend at least two 18 inch Subwoofers along with 10, better 12 inch speakers.
Active speakerboxes for sure will be too expesive.
But passive ones should fit within the budget of 1000€.

Just look up the big brands for such kind of equipment in your local marketplaces:
JBL, dB Technologies, Yamaha, RCF, Mackie, LD Systems, QSC, Peavey, Dynacrod, ...

Also for the first few events maybe, you can get in touch with a local service for events and parties.
Around my hometown a PA system that will kinda fit your requirements will cost somehwat about 150€ per day.
This way you can get a better feeling for what kind of equipment (and how much) you really need.
#11 erstellt: 03. Sep 2020, 16:12

thanks man, maybe the best idea is to rent equipment to see what suits me the best.

Few times we had parties with home hi-fi system, even 2.1 PC speakers. It's ok but power is missing. I guess two 15'' Mackie Thumps would do enough boost but including sub it's just out of my range right now.

I really appreciate all your comments, thanks people.


#12 erstellt: 03. Sep 2020, 18:33
Wasn't the question directed to a portable PA?

#13 erstellt: 03. Sep 2020, 19:00

JoPeMUC (Beitrag #12) schrieb:
Wasn't the question directed to a portable PA?


Yes it is Jochen,
I'm bit confused because no one thinks there is good portable PA for 500-600 euros which can cover 50 people home parties....

Any suggestions?
#14 erstellt: 03. Sep 2020, 19:16
The question by Jochen was wether you mean "mobile" in the way that it should be battery powered
or that it simply should be transportable, not like a fully installed club-PA ^^

If your target is just about being loud for those 50 people then yes, two bigger, active driven fullrange speakers should do the trick.

Mackie Thumb
dB Technologies Opera

These are the speakers i'd look for.
#15 erstellt: 03. Sep 2020, 20:37
Not battery powered, just portable, easy to setup and transport....
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