B&O VX 5000 wie öffnen

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#1 erstellt: 13. Mrz 2010, 15:11

Ich habe einen Alten B&O VX 5000 VHS Recorder geschenkt bekommen. Er ist vieleicht für 10h im Betrieb gewesen. Leider hat das Spuren hinterlassen.

Nun meine Frage:

Wie kann ich das Gehäuse öffnen. Ich finde irgendwie die Schrauben um den Decke abzunehmen nicht.

MFG Christoph
#2 erstellt: 13. Mrz 2010, 18:55
VX-5000 ??

THAT's an old Videorecorder

As far as I remember you need to remove the 2 side plastic-panels.
They slide out backwards when you lift the rear-end out a little (...with a flat screwdriver) and apply some force between the front-panel and the front of the side-panel (...again with a flat screwdriver)

When the panels are removed you clearly see the screws that hold the cover.

This oldie needs:

1) New rubber belts

2) A new pinch-roller

3) Mostly they need to be renovated renewing the complete white plastic gear-module. It's actually quite easy to replace when you take care to insert the new one EXACTLY like the old hooking-up levers correctly. Just 3 screws (...as I remember) need to go out to replace the entire gear-unit.

4) The Capstan Motor may be worn-out. Before renovating ANYTHING just grap the capstan shaft from the top-side and see if it has any slack. Push it from side to side and feel if it fits firmly in the bearing or it goes 'clack' - 'clack' from side to side. If it 'clack's throw away the recorder. A new motor is far too expensive.
I used to have a friend who is now dead. He made new teflon-bearings for me to replace the original phosphorous-bronze bearings and teflon will NEVER wear out.

good luck,


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