Reparaturanleitung B&O Beogram 1000

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#1 erstellt: 17. Apr 2009, 16:46
Servus mitnander,

ich suche (fast schon verzweifelt) jemanden unter euch, der mir behilflich sein kann, meinen `68er Beogram 100 V wieder flott zu kriegen.

Der Motor brummt nach dem Einschalten.
Der Teller dreht sich nicht automatisch mit, lässt sich aber von Hand ohne weiters bewegen.

Noch keine, da ich nicht weiß, was zu tun ist.

Eure Hilfe ...!?

Vielen Dank für eure Mühe, schöne Grüße aus dem Allgäu,

[Beitrag von grattler01 am 17. Apr 2009, 16:47 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 18. Apr 2009, 21:35

Many, many, many years ago these motors started giving problems in the Beogram-1000.
I didn't think any had survived this long. Not without some repair at least.
What I remember is, that the motor should be taken out and disassembled completely. The bearings are stuck in hardened grease and should be cleaned with iso propyl-alcohol. Then oiled (oil to be used with sewing-machines is fine) and re-assembled. To center the bearings when re-assembling, just tap the motor gently with the shaft of a big screw-driver. You will feel the rotor moving more and more freely with each tap.
Tighten screws fully and put the motor back in.
Usually it works well, BUT... I HAVE seen the motor getting stuck again within a short time. It can be extremely hard to clean the bearings completely at the first try. If this happens you will have to start over again.

Good luck,


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