Lyrita kommt zurück!

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#1 erstellt: 11. Aug 2006, 10:28

alle Freunde englischer Musik haben Grund zur Euphorie: Der Katalog der englischen Firma Lyrita, lange durch Rechtsstreitigkeiten vor der (Wieder)-veröffentlichung blockiert, wird wieder aufgelegt - und zwar inklusive aller bisher nicht auf CD erschienenen Einspielungen.


Lyrita returns July 18 2006
A long-held wish has at last come true for lovers of British music with the reintroduction of the Lyrita Recorded Edition catalogue. Wyastone Estate Ltd, under whose aegis Nimbus Records continues, has reached an agreement with Lyrita to distribute the company's entire catalogue. The first discs to appear will be those CD transfers that had appeared in the 1990s (and which were then distributed via Nimbus); the remaining original analogue masters will subsequently be digitised and transferred to CD, making all of Lyrita's recordings available on CD for the first time.
One of Lyrita's benchmark releases – Tippett's The Midsummer Marriage – back on the shelves

Lyrita was founded in 1959 with the mission to record unfamiliar and previously unrecorded British music. Bowen, Reizenstein and others performed their own works in an initial piano and chamber music series. During the 1970s the label's repertoire broadened to cover orchestral music performed by the UK's top orchestras and conductors. Alwyn, Arnold, Bliss, Lennox Berkeley and Walton conducted their own music. First recordings were made of music by a host of composers including Finzi, Holst, George Lloyd, Cyril Scott and John Foulds.

Some of these recordings were remastered and appeared on a series of 37 CDs in the 1990s. At the end of that decade, however, Lyrita lost its distribution deal with Nimbus and the discs then became available only through Harold Moores Records in London's West End. Lyrita will be relaunched in the international marketplace with those 37 CDs; the rest of the catalogue, including digital recordings which have never been issued in any format, will follow over the subsequent 18 months, in time for Lyrita's golden jubilee in 2009.

Lyrita founder Richard Itter declares himself 'proud of the Lyrita recordings. I have been privileged to work with the most wonderful orchestras, conductors, soloists and instrumentalists [who] all became deeply involved in this marvellous neglected, forgotten or unknown music and breathed vibrant new life into it. With this new agreement many of you will be able to discover this for yourselves.'

Adrian Farmer and Antony Smith of Wyastone Estate acknowledge that the agreement is 'the fulfilment of a long-held ambition to restore a truly magical catalogue to its rightful place'. Andrew Achenbach will offer his assessment of Lyrita's pioneering recordings in the Awards issue of Gramophone.

David Threasher, Gramophone


Gruß, Thomas

[Beitrag von sound67-again am 11. Aug 2006, 10:29 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 11. Aug 2006, 22:23
Hi Thomas,
das ist schön...
hoffentlich in bezahlbaren Preisregionen
Danke für die Info.

#3 erstellt: 14. Aug 2006, 05:57
Hi Thomas!

Danke für den Hinweis. Das ist wirklich eine tolle Nachricht für alle Freunde britischer Musik!

Hoffentlich gibt es dann bald einen deutschen Vertrieb.
Hat schon jmd. was über die angestrebte Preispolitik gehört (oder hab' ich die Info bloß überlesen? ;))?
Da es sich sozusagen um Zweitverwertungen handelt, sollten die CDs IMHO nicht allzu teuer sein.


#4 erstellt: 17. Aug 2006, 10:46

Hüb' schrieb:

Da es sich sozusagen um Zweitverwertungen handelt, sollten die CDs IMHO nicht allzu teuer sein.

Da würde ich aber keine Wetten drauf abschließenden - es wird auch etliches Material in (CD-)Erstverwertung geben, also ...

Außerdem können die damit rechnen, dass sich die Sammler danach die Finger leckenb werden - egal was es kostet.

Gruß, Thomas
#5 erstellt: 17. Aug 2006, 11:23
Ja, hast Recht.
Man wird ja wohl noch träumen dürfen...
#6 erstellt: 19. Aug 2006, 18:00
Die ersten Titel (nämlich die bereits auf CD veröffentlichten) sind jetzt im Netz erhältlich, Preis knapp unter 13 Pfund (knapp 20 Euro). Also full price, aber doch billiger als Harold Moore's.
#7 erstellt: 20. Aug 2006, 19:54
#8 erstellt: 22. Aug 2006, 17:45
Es gibt auch schon eine Liste, was an neuen Sachen (digitale, nie veröffentlichte Einspielungen bzw. LP-Transfers im neuen Jahr kommen - bis dahin nur die 37 bekannten Titel!):

However, to whet your appetite, and to give you confidence that Lyrita's treasures will appear, here is a selection of the CDs that already exist as finished master tapes, ready to issue - some digital transfers from analogue masters, some original digital recordings.

New Recordings
Sterndale Bennett - Overtures • Symphony Opus 43 (LPO, PO, Braithwaite)
Coates - Symphonic Rhapsodies • Suites (LPO, Wordsworth)
Jacob - Symphony Nos. 1 & 2 (LPO, Wordsworth)
Horn Concertos - Jacob, Arnold, Bowen, Gipps, Vinter (Pyatt, LPO, Braithwaite)
Coleridge Taylor - Violin Concerto etc. (McAslan, LPO, Braithwaite)
Busch - Cello Concerto • Piano Concerto (Wallfisch, Lane, RPO, Handley)
Stanford - Cello Concerto • Piano Concerto No. 3 (Baillie, Binns, RPO, Braithwaite)

Recordings previously available on LP
Elgar - Symphony Nos. 1 & 2 (LPO, Boult)
Bax - Symphony Nos. 2 & 5 (LPO, Fredman, Leppard)
Finzi - Clarinet Concerto • Cello Concerto (Denman, New PO, Ma, RPO, Handley)
Finzi - Let us garlands bring • Milton Sonnets • Farewell to Arms • In Terra Pax (Case, Partridge, Manning, Noble, Aldiss, New PO, Handley)
Finzi - Intimations of Immortality (Partridge, Guildford Philharmonic Choir & Orchestra, Handley)
Hadley - The Trees so High (Allen, Guildford Philharmonic Choir, New PO, Handley)
Finzi - Severn Rhapsody etc. (Friend, LPO, Boult)
Eclogue, Grand Fantasia & Toccata (Katin, New PO, Handley)

Also two volumes of Ireland orchestral works, a compilation of Butterworth, Warlock and Howells, two volumes of Moeran orchestral works, two volumes of Lennox Berkeley orchestral works and the Scott Piano Concerti.

Whilst this list is neither complete, nor in order of priority, we hope it will serve to indicate the considerable amount of preparatory work that Richard Itter and Wyastone Estate have already done to start the process of restoring the Lyrita catalogue to the marketplace.

Gruß, Thomas
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