Soundcard or DAC/AMP for my new Philips Fidelio X1?

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#1 erstellt: 03. Okt 2013, 11:31
Hey, i just got the new X1 and they are amazing, but i still use my onboard sound, therefore i really need a good source for my headphones. What do you prefer for me?

My music-genre: Pop-Rock/Indie Pop/Indie Rock/Dubstep/RnB.

My budget: 120€(If needed 180€)

Thanks a lot!
#2 erstellt: 03. Okt 2013, 12:49
intern: Asus Essence STX~

Extern: Fiio E17 / Aune Mini MK2 / Yulong u100
#3 erstellt: 03. Okt 2013, 12:55
Thanks for your reply, I've heard the STX has a high output impedance(10Ohm), is that a problem for the low impedance of the X1?
#4 erstellt: 03. Okt 2013, 13:16
Nope, the output impendance is just important for multi-Driver IEMs (In Ear Monitor). On Headphones it pretty much doesn't matter
#5 erstellt: 03. Okt 2013, 13:45
Thanks a lot
#6 erstellt: 03. Okt 2013, 14:09

StevenO (Beitrag #3) schrieb:
I've heard the STX has a high output impedance(10Ohm), is that a problem for the low impedance of the X1?

Depends what impedance the X1 was designed for.
Most outputs have an even higher impedance (~ 110 Ohm).

As usual, the manufacurer does not tell you what to use.
#7 erstellt: 04. Okt 2013, 17:53
I would suggest the Sound Blaster Z from Creative. Especially if you also use 5.1 Speakers hooked up to your PC. Even the older Creative cards perform better than any onboard Realtek/VIA solutions. The Z also has a dedicated headphone jack with an AMP for up to 600ohm (although I think you are better off not going beyond 300ohm with this card). Not that that matters with the X1 anyway.
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