Buying HD650 + AMP/DAC In Berlin !

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#1 erstellt: 09. Apr 2014, 20:04
Hello everyone, I will be visiting Berlin in the end of April, and I am interested in buying the HD650 + AMP/DAC combo.
Since I am not from Germany and I don't know German I need your help in recommending the cheapest most reliable stores to buy HD650, and of course I need your recommendation for amp/dacs up to 300 euros that I can find in stores in Berlin so I can test my new HD650 with or at list a store to buy from since in my country its very expensive and hard to find.

Thank you all, Ben.
Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei
#2 erstellt: 11. Apr 2014, 22:57
Hi Ben,

have a look here

Good luck
Ist häufiger hier
#3 erstellt: 12. Apr 2014, 09:57
For the 650: It is not that easy to actually get your hands on one in stores. Mostly, they are sold online. Maybe someone from Berlin knows a place where to get it for a decent price.

Regarding the amp/dac: in general, the fiio e17 should drive them decently. I used this setup for two weeks and I liked it quite a bit. There are also german amp/dacs that might interest you, but I am not too familiar with them.

[Beitrag von chrissummers am 12. Apr 2014, 10:04 bearbeitet]
#4 erstellt: 12. Apr 2014, 12:13
Thank you guys for replying, I hope its ok I use English I mostly use Google translate to understand Germa
About I contacted them and they don't sell the hd650 only the hd700 and hd800 too expensive for me and same for amp/dacs very expensive products, way above 300 euro.

I found the hd650 in this store:

from what i understand they have it in stock, How is the price ?

also found all this stores:

though media market look the best.
Ist häufiger hier
#5 erstellt: 12. Apr 2014, 13:26
Mediamarkt is probably your best bet, yea. It seems like the store in the center of Berlin also has the 650.
#6 erstellt: 24. Apr 2014, 09:35
Hello, So i will be in Berlin in 1 week and I tried calling the mitte media market store but they don't have it stock.. can you help me think of a way to where to buy it ?
Ist häufiger hier
#7 erstellt: 24. Apr 2014, 11:01
You can tell them to order to it and then get it at the local Media Markt store. That is done over their website. Instead of delivery to a home, an option for delivery to a store is available and then you can pick it up. I did the same thing.

If you need assistance for that process, write me your skype name in a message.
#8 erstellt: 24. Apr 2014, 23:04
Saturn & Mediamarkt at Alexanderplatz do have the HD600, 650 & 700 in stock (they had them 2 weeks ago). Both branches there have a quite wide selection of headphones. The small branches won't have them. The Media Markt at Alexanderplatz resides in the ALEXIA-Center. Its also possible to test any headphone you like with your devices (Ipod, Smartphone etc.) without any problems. Have fun ;D

[Beitrag von Natsukawa am 24. Apr 2014, 23:05 bearbeitet]
#9 erstellt: 25. Apr 2014, 20:31
Thanks, I used chrissummers idea and ordered them online (MediaMarket) to the shop.. I also saw it in saturn with same option of ordering it Online.. good to know they have the headphones on display to bad they don't have a variety of dac/amps for me to try with, I have a budget of 300 EURO for an amp/dac but I think its better to order it to my country ( something like the crack, or schitt ) since its not very common or cheap in Berlin anyway, unless you there is something I don't know ?
#10 erstellt: 25. Apr 2014, 21:26
You did the best you can do <3 Even in germany you won't find DACs/AMPs in usual Stores like Media Markt etc. There are specific Audio / Hi-Fi Stores whre you can get them, but thats the expensive way. Mostly wie order that stuff from the internet ;D
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