showtec fazer informationen

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#1 erstellt: 28. Jul 2021, 18:31
Hello everybody,
Excuse me for using english, i can understand german, but speaking/writing it is bad..
I appologise for this!!

What i am writing this for is this:
Somebody gave me a big box of showtec parts for a halloween graveyard scene we are building with the scouts (scouting). It has heaters, pumps, reservoir and the dmx controller boards to make 4 working fog/fazers, all for free!

The problem i am having is: i have no idea what the schematic is to use that board!

I did come across a post here that has a picture of the exact same board, but the post is old. I hope somebody there sees this and can help me:

What i am looking for is a small drawing/schematic of how to connect everything or at least something that says what the connectors on the board are for..

i did figure out that apparently, the power supply for the board has to be 12V AC, and some other things about it, but i don't want to hook up 230V AC to it for instance to control the heater without knowing what i am doing or blow up the board and fuses in the house!

Any help would for sure be apprechiated!!
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