brauche Hilfe beim Upgrade von vota1 ->vota2 (gradient axt, fountek neo)

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#1 erstellt: 10. Jun 2018, 14:33
Hello, my name is Joshua and i'm from the netherlands. I have the Vota 1 speaker that i want to upgrade with the vota 2 speaker. Here in the netherlands no-one has these speakers and that's why i'm trying this german hifi-forum.

I bought the Intertechnik upgrade kit especially for this. But they cancelled my order. They also wont tell me which parts there are on the cross-over.

Does anyone have the crossover details for this design?

A customer of Intertechnik build a speaker that i really like. I would love to try that design myself. But there is no crossover details listed anywhere. Can someone help me contact the builder? Is this a good build?


"Die Vota2 sollte in einteiliger Version ausgeführt werden. Hier in der Community wurde ich schnell fündig. Ein kleine Änderung auf eine schmälere Version wollte ich aber vornehmen. Für diese Änderung und Volumen sowie Kanäle umrechnen, hat mich ein erfahrenes Community-Mitglied, Jakob Schitik, die ganze Zeit sehr gut betreut. Teilweise auch Udo. Auch die Vota3 musste in eine schmälere Version umgerechnet werden. Alle drei Lautsprecher wollte ich dann in schwarz-metallic lackieren"

Who is Jakob Schitik? can he help me?

Thank you,
#2 erstellt: 10. Jun 2018, 21:30

get in contact with Udo.
Maybe he has the right offer for you.

Gruß Evil
#3 erstellt: 11. Jun 2018, 20:54
Hi Evil,

Thank you for the link! That is someone close to vota's. Unfortunately Udo told me that Gradient is exclusively for intertechnik and that he could not help me.

Luckily someone has send me the vota 2 build PDF with the details needed to order all parts elsewhere.

So thats what im going to do next.
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