HIFIComponents.de: anybody out there ?!

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#1 erstellt: 23. Jan 2004, 00:53

Sorry I can't speak Deutsch so I'll go English.

I bought an item from HiFiComponents.de last month. I made advance payment on 29 december 2003 and I got no answer or email confirmation since then.
Checking the "Order Status" page on their web and entering my order number I get an error message: this order does not exist !
So I tried to contact them to get an explanation and at least to know if has my cash transfer come to destination.
I sent some emails: got no answer.
I sent two Fax: no answer.
I called by phone several times during a whole day: nobody answered the phone ! There is just a recorded message.

Now I am wondering if is this the right way to threat a customer... I am really worried, I heard about few other people having great troubles with this vendor.
I am thinking the worst: why don't they answer to email, fax and phone ?
I just would need a brief confirmation that they received my payment and that my order is going on, but it seems that is there nobody out there.

I am very disappointed: I buy on the web since long time but I never met such a bad customer "care", I bought from some non-professional Ebayers who were much better than this vendor.

Any hint ?!
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