DTS -HD oder DTS Master Audio?

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#1 erstellt: 28. Feb 2009, 12:00
Hi Leute!
Möchte mir demnächst den Pioneer SC-LX71 kaufen.Der Reciever
verfügt über DTS High Resolution und DTS Master Audio Tonformate.Wer kann mir sagen wo da die Unterschiede sind?
Haben alle guten Reciever beide Tonformate?Und hat jemand
Erfahrung mit dem SC-LX 71 gemacht?

Grüße an alle!
#2 erstellt: 28. Feb 2009, 12:12
DTS-HD High Resolution Audio

DTS-HD High Resolution Audio, with DTS-HD Master Audio, comprise the DTS-HD extension to the original DTS audio format. It delivers up to 7.1 channels of sound at 96 kHz sampling frequency and 24 bit depth resolution. DTS-HD High Resolution Audio is selected as an optional surround sound format for Blu-ray Disc and HD DVD with constant bit rates up to respectively 6.0 Mbit/s and 3.0 Mbit/s. It is supposed to be an alternative for DTS-HD Master Audio where disc space may not allow it.

DTS-HD Master Audio

DTS-HD Master Audio, previously known as DTS++, is the second of two DTS-HD audio formats. It supports a virtually unlimited number of surround sound channels, can downmix to 5.1 and two-channel, and can deliver audio quality at bit rates extending from DTS Digital Surround up to lossless (24-bit, 192 kHz). DTS-HD Master Audio is selected as an optional surround sound format for Blu-ray and HD DVD, where it has been limited to a maximum of 8 discrete channels. DTS-HD MA supports variable bit rates up to 24.5 Mbit/s on a Blu-ray Disc and up to 18.0 Mbit/s for HD DVD, with 2 channel encoded at up to 192 kHz or 8 channels encoded at 96 kHz/24 bit. In case more than 2 channels are used, a "Channel Remapping" function allows for remixing the soundtrack to compensate for a different channel layout in the playback system compared to the original mix.
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