Teufel Columa 900 - any good?

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#1 erstellt: 14. Feb 2010, 18:20
First of all, let me start by saying that I don't speak german. I'm interested in buying the Columa 900 and I can't seem to find any users that have heard them on AVSForums and AVForums.

My questions are these:

1. My audio setup currently consists of the Yamaha RX-V1800 receiver and the B&W MT-20 speaker package. Would the Teufel be a good upgrade over the B&W system?
2. Why is the Columa discounted so much right now(30%)? It seems strange since it is a new model. Was it a failure for Teufel?
3. Would it be a better upgrade if i just changed the subwoofer of my B&W system from the B&W AS2 to the B&W PV1?
How does the Columa 900 compare to the B&W MT-30?
4. What did german reviews say about the Teufel system?

Thanks in advamce
#2 erstellt: 14. Feb 2010, 19:46
Please help
#3 erstellt: 14. Feb 2010, 20:36

pppp1 schrieb:
First of all, let me start by saying that I don't speak german. I'm interested in buying the Columa 900 and I can't seem to find any users that have heard them on AVSForums and AVForums.

My questions are these:

1. My audio setup currently consists of the Yamaha RX-V1800 receiver and the B&W MT-20 speaker package. Would the Teufel be a good upgrade over the B&W system?

Teufel produces good home theater products. But for music, they're crap (as long as you have satelite-systems by Teufel). With the Teufel Columa 900 you may have a better designed system, but i won't expect too much difference between the Teufel speaker system and the B&W when you are listenig to movies. If you want to buy a new home theater system for the same money, the Theater 100 (http://www.teufel.de/Heimkino/Theater-100.cfm) would make a good job too, and they may sound definite better than the B&W (Theater 100 is made of wood, the Columa seems to be made of plastic or aluminium, the same at the B&W)

2. Why is the Columa discounted so much right now(30%)? It seems strange since it is a new model. Was it a failure for Teufel?

Design has its own price at Teufel. You pay more for it, but its more or less the same sound. I think intelligent clients take the Theater 100 oder 200. Or another wood-system... even with this offer, Teufel won't make a loss

3. Would it be a better upgrade if i just changed the subwoofer of my B&W system from the B&W AS2 to the B&W PV1?
How does the Columa 900 compare to the B&W MT-30?

You could buy wooden speakers like the Heco Victa 200 or 300, when you don't like your B&Ws.
I don't think that another plastic Subwoofer is an advantage to your system, take a look at the Heco Victa subwoofer, a good front-fire for the price. Or the Magnat Quantum 730...

4. What did german reviews say about the Teufel system?

The most important things in buying speakers are your ears. Teufel has a good marketing. But every professional would say, that these little speakers can't sound good - there is just too little volume for a good Sound.

Thanks in advamce

Sorry for my bad English
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