Active Monitors and Pro speakers

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#1 erstellt: 19. Aug 2007, 12:29
There have been some posts on the subject , but I would like to initiate the discussion again. As per a review published in a audio magazine , a system based on Quad 99CD-P2(70-75K) and Quad 11L active (40K app) is much better in performance than the costlier system consisting of Quad 99 CD-P2 , Quad passive 11L and Quad 99 amp. On audio asylum also, there are lot of good comments on Quad 12L active. Has any body heard the new arrivals of these Quad L series active speakers ? Any body is using them or other brand in home audio? Please share ur experiences of either listening active speaker or a passive pro monitor.
The link for Quad 11L active is here:-

[Beitrag von binoymehra am 19. Aug 2007, 12:52 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 20. Aug 2007, 14:50

binoymehra schrieb:
There have been some posts on the subject , but I would like to initiate the discussion again. As per a review published in a audio magazine , a system based on Quad 99CD-P2(70-75K) and Quad 11L active (40K app) is much better in performance than the costlier system consisting of Quad 99 CD-P2 , Quad passive 11L and Quad 99 amp. On audio asylum also, there are lot of good comments on Quad 12L active. Has any body heard the new arrivals of these Quad L series active speakers ? Any body is using them or other brand in home audio? Please share ur experiences of either listening active speaker or a passive pro monitor.
The link for Quad 11L active is here:-

I am certainly not surprised to read that the Quad active speakers are much better than their passive counterpart. it usually is the case!
The UK brand ATC is also very well known to have superb sounding active speakers.
And, Boothroyd-Stuart Meridian's claim to fame is their active speakers!
I think that even tho Abhi is having remarkable success w/ his Dynaudio BM6 passives, the active counterpart will be better in sound!
Personally, I have benefited from my passive Tannoy DMT10 Mk2 pro audio/studio monitors. This is one superb set of speakers that is a long-time keeper. The active DMT15 & DMT215 are much better (due to their being active + using a better material for the woofer cone) but I do not have the room size for a 15" woofer!!
#3 erstellt: 20. Aug 2007, 15:12
Would the active Xovers be making making all the difference ? A good speaker paired with a good power amp should do it as well....just a thought....

#4 erstellt: 20. Aug 2007, 15:22

Manek schrieb:
Would the active Xovers be making making all the difference ? A good speaker paired with a good power amp should do it as well....just a thought....


AFAIK, active speakers do not always have active x-overs. In fact, most have just the amp inside the speaker box but have passive x-overs.
SOme like the Meridian have both: active x-over & amp inside the speaker box.
Atleast for the Quad & Dynaudio, the x-overs are passive.

I understand that if one can take the x-overs out of one's existing speaker & swap it for an active x-over, the upgrade in sonics is well worth the trouble.
SOme open-baffle designs are this way.
I also believe that the ESP Concert Grand (not open baffle) has an external x-over.
Same for the top-of-the-line Avalon (I *think* that I'm right on this one!), which is not an open-baffle.
All these are passive speakers w/ active x-overs. Performance is supposed to be mind-blowing from what I've read from owners & reviewers alike.
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#5 erstellt: 20. Aug 2007, 15:53
Has any body heard Dyn BM5A or BM6A ?
There is another brand ADAM whose ADAM A7 are reasonably priced monitors and having rave reviews. Price would be 56K for the pair.
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