Wharfdale 8.1 or Monitor Audio B2

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#1 erstellt: 20. Sep 2006, 06:53
I have joined the forum recently, however I have been reading the posts on this forum for quite some time now and I'm completely amazed and awed by most of the replies.

The question I'm posting (I haven't come across the same question in the forum though) may be an old already discussed topic.... anyway I risk asking it.

I have spent a lot of time deciding on the amp (I have decided on NAD C320BEE). I want to purchase a pair of decent bookshelf speakers (within 20000 Rs.) and would like your opinion on which would be the best Speaker - Amp combination.

I primarily listen to rock and metal and would like to know, if Wharfdale 8.1 or Monitor Audio B2 is better suited with the Amp considering my choice of music.
#2 erstellt: 20. Sep 2006, 07:44
I would go for the 8.2 or the MA.
#3 erstellt: 20. Sep 2006, 08:16
Looking at your choice of music..I would rather suggest you to stick to MA B2. Diamond 8.1 is primarily for vocal/classical based music...wont do justice to what you listen.

BTW..listen to them yourself before you decide any further.
#4 erstellt: 20. Sep 2006, 08:59
How much does the 8.1 & 8.2 cost.

the 9.1 i think they cost around 12.5K.
#5 erstellt: 20. Sep 2006, 10:38
8.1 and 8.2 cost approx 11205 and 15255 respectively. Also can any of you give me the address where I can audition these speakers in Bangalore.
#6 erstellt: 20. Sep 2006, 11:48
Also consider:

-KEF iQ1
-Whardfedale 9.2
-Tannoy Mercury F2


#7 erstellt: 20. Sep 2006, 16:49
I have similar taste in music as yours and I'm also using the 320BEE. Between these two, I would go for the B2s but I would sincerly suggest checking out the PSB B15/B25. These babies really rock...perfect match with the NAD...but may stretch your budget by a couple of K's...
Ist häufiger hier
#8 erstellt: 22. Sep 2006, 13:32
I have listened to the combination of NAD/ Monitor Audio B2. I thought this combination is very good compared to Wharfedale. But then, I listened to Dali and was impressed by the clarity. If possible, try out Dali Concept 2. Dali will suit all type of music but Monitor Audio, I think, suits Rock better.
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