Component to S-video cables?

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#1 erstellt: 05. Sep 2005, 05:59
hi everybody!

i wanted to know if it is possible to convert the component to s-video conversion cables?if yes can anyone give me the links of the website or the place where i can purchase it.....

please give ur comments on the same!

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#2 erstellt: 09. Sep 2005, 15:17
It wont be a simple cable, a whole lot of electronics are needed to do the conversion.
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#3 erstellt: 10. Sep 2005, 06:24
hey ravi....

thanks for ur reply......but i think that both being analogues,it shudnt be a very big problem.......

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#4 erstellt: 13. Sep 2005, 20:56
edges, i know taht u get composite to s-video but component to s-video is a totally different matter.
if i am right according to what we learnt in wavelet transforms, the conversion of the RGB signal to yrYbYc(hope i got them right) is a pretty sraight forward but still needs a processing unit to do the conversion.
basic matir addition multiplication.
since there are seperate chrominance and brigtness(or colours) being tranmitted through the independent cables u need a array of components to process it back to an s-video signal capable of carrying the entire signla on a single cable.
effectively u need a lot of DSP in order to convolute the RGB signalsto a single signal. If i am wrong please correct me Ravi.
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#5 erstellt: 15. Sep 2005, 04:59

There might be some simple converters using analog mixing and subtraction, but quality would suffer in these - good quality requires avtive circuitry and processor.
Note that component video is already YCbCr, no RGB involved. So only thing remaining in the conversion from component to s-video is to mix the CbCr signals together into C.

PS: why is this post on Stereo forum anyway?
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#6 erstellt: 15. Sep 2005, 05:35
oh!...i thought that componenet video meant RGB and not the other way round.
Then wehn and where do we encounter RGB signals?
The matrix equation for RGB to yb,yr and vice versa is very much where do they use it in the real world?
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#7 erstellt: 15. Sep 2005, 07:05
i think this is worth a look..though i myself have'nt got around to reading the whole darn thing.
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#8 erstellt: 15. Sep 2005, 08:46
Some professional video equipment use RGB. Also the raw output form some professional imaging cameras is RGB. I am not aware of RGB usage in consumer field.
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