Where is grey market at Bangalore for Receivers and amps?

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#1 erstellt: 13. Sep 2005, 05:29
Dear friends can I know where is grey market for buyin Receiver and amps at Bangalore? Can we get these amps at National Market at Bangalore( ground floor )
Once siva said me about the Denon receivers are available at grey market. Please help me out.

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#2 erstellt: 13. Sep 2005, 05:46

yes u can get the denon and yamaha in the grey market very easily and at excellent prices.......it is available at sapna plaza next to sapna book house entrance......
which ones are u planning to buy and with which speakers?

#3 erstellt: 13. Sep 2005, 05:47
What is available there?( Product category)
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#4 erstellt: 13. Sep 2005, 05:54

anything in yamaha and denon only......wha are u looking for?

#5 erstellt: 13. Sep 2005, 09:11
preferably Denon since I use my audiophile speakers just for audio. I want to go with the av receiver since I am releasing new HT speaker package. I want to test my speakers with the receiver.

#6 erstellt: 13. Sep 2005, 09:19

I want to go with the av receiver since I am releasing new HT speaker package. I want to test my speakers with the receiver.

for your audiophile quality HT speakers you better buy a Rotel processer + power or Sunfire but junk denon.
#7 erstellt: 13. Sep 2005, 09:20
I have auditioned the Yamaha at Sachus home and also at Music Ranch but im not at all satisfied with the quality.
At Sachu`s home I have auditioned yamaha Receiver with Diamond speakers.
At Music Ranch with some other brand speakers but I am not satisfied with the quality.

I want to try them with my speakers coz the speakers that I use are far superior than what I have heard there. Let me see since the HT speakers that I want release need some refinement so Let me see which receiver that I have to take. but i would take some time since My budget at present is on speakers.

Let me have an eye on the receivers right from now so that I would go with the good one.

but more more n more preferably I need just DTS processor coz I will be using my own amplifiers for the speakers.
Can anybdody suggest good processor for reasonable price...

#8 erstellt: 13. Sep 2005, 09:22
Thank u subboss but Rotels are too bright I need some thing in between.. since it will be even used for the DVD audio...

#9 erstellt: 13. Sep 2005, 09:25
Sonic master all entry level receivers like Onkyo, denon, yamaha sound the same..may be sounds diffrent from one another, but never ever expect some brand to give you outrageous stuff at that price point. It's nice you are biulding your own amp, as far as processers as concerned go in for Bob Carver.
#10 erstellt: 13. Sep 2005, 11:37
Hey Sonic,
If you are not very tight on budget then Marantz 5500 onwards are very good and if at all you want to stick to bare entry level recievers try Sonodyne reciever (17k). Awesome performance. It infact beats all these entry level imported brands (even Marantz) in surround processing. In pure Stereo though Marantz is very good.
I will tell you, recently I had been going around with Kalpesh (edges) for his HT system and we checked out almost all brands (again entry level only) and Sonodyne was an evident winner. But yes in pure stereo mode it was Marantz but then its priced much higher (29k for 4500).
Worth checking out dude.
#11 erstellt: 13. Sep 2005, 11:44
but how can you pair high end audiophile speakers with some entry level reciever ?

Sub boss is right try sunfire !

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#12 erstellt: 13. Sep 2005, 20:40

Sonic_Master schrieb:
I have auditioned the Yamaha at Sachus home and also at Music Ranch but im not at all satisfied with the quality.
At Sachu`s home I have auditioned yamaha Receiver with Diamond speakers.
At Music Ranch with some other brand speakers but I am not satisfied with the quality.

Well, the present setup is very utilitarian and is not what i would have ideally. But from a HT point i am more than satisfied.
hopefully, the speakers that i am building will address some of the shortcomings in the stereo part of the setup.
The room seems to be the major hinderance to me.
there is a vast pane of glass behind the speakers which muddle the image. A carpet is missing and also a rear wall is missing.
I think the fact that a rear wall is not present causes a lot of problems, not to mention the size of the room.
I am being pragmatic about the new room that is coming up.
it is is a much smaller room with sound proof glass for the lone window and door(glass is inlaid in the wood) and wiring being kept to a minimum(as in minimum lengths)while at the same time being as asthetic as can be.
also a rear wall is present and the dimensions of the room almost conform to the 'golden ratio'.
So a lot to look forward to.
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#13 erstellt: 14. Sep 2005, 11:02
hey sonic.....

try for the denon 2105.....its got almost all the features similar to high end receivers.........its a really good receiver if u are looking perticularly at denon brand.......and its available in the grey for a very resonable price too.....denon have already comeout with the 6 series ending models just having a the XM radio attachment like yamaha receivers......

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#14 erstellt: 20. Sep 2005, 07:28
Hi Everyone,
I am interested in the denon 2105. 'Edges', do you have any idea how much will it cost me in the grey market, I got a quote of Rs.38K for an official denon 2105. Will denon honor the warrenty when a product is purchased from the grey market?

Also, does anyone have any idea about the Polk Monitor 70 series, the Phase Technology Velocity V12 and Jamo D450 and D590 series speakers?

I appreciate any inputs from the experts out there as I have only so much info on audio products.

#15 erstellt: 20. Sep 2005, 08:13
Polk Audio Monitor70 is a good one for the price for people who are more into rock/pop.
Jamo D series are expensive. D590 is good but it has a downward firing woofer which sounds like a sub. D450 is very good but is expensive (1.35 Lacs). Havent head others you have mentioned.
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#16 erstellt: 20. Sep 2005, 08:21
hey VCS....

the denon 2105,u wont believe it is available at just 25k in the grey market......that a staright 13k diff from the official price......and the warranty will not be honored if purchased in the grey market.......i have picked up the polk monitor 50 from profx,bangalore........as i had asked the same question bout the warranty issue if purchase from grey....they said they wud charge a huge sum of amount if repaired(grey piece) for any problems thru them.......the polks are available at profx at the same price listed on the polks US website in india and with a three year warranty.....excellent pricing only for a limited time.....i donot know much bout monitor 70 but i liked monitor 50 rather than monitor60.....

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#17 erstellt: 20. Sep 2005, 09:46
Thanks for the prompt replies edges and pani...
I was asking about the Denon 2105 as the Suggested MRP in the US is about $650 for it and it is usually available for around $500 or so. The pricing is much worse for the 3805 which is being sold for 85K usually and available at aound 75K after discount. This is for a product that costs $1100 in the US and the rest of the world!!! This is outrageous. LOL if you ask them why they start calculating the indian price after taking the US MRP as the base price!!! as if anyone of us has and empty hole in the head!!!!
I have even found the Jamo D450 in the US for $1140 per set and out here they want 1.25Lac for it (again makes me want to hit them on the head )
I think that the 13K diff for the 2105 from the grey market might actually be useful as you could cost it as the money you would spend on repairs after the 3 year period when nothing goes wrong anyways.
I had checked out the pricing for the polks from profx and found that they were only 20% more than the street price in the US which seems reasonable to me and i might just buy them.

Does anyone know what will happen if i connect a 4Ohm impedence speaker to a denon 2105 which is rated at 8Ohm and 6 Ohms and not rated for 4 Ohms. Will the distorsion be higher when used with a a lower impedence load?

I know that I am asking many questions and would appreciate any help. BTW my budget was approx 1 L for a full system (Receiver, 5 speakers, 1 sub).

#18 erstellt: 20. Sep 2005, 10:13
hey VCS,
Check out Marantz recievers 4500/5500 they gel very well with Polk Audio. Very neat and detailed representation as compared to Denon.
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#19 erstellt: 21. Sep 2005, 11:39
hi Pani,
I have not heard of the Marantz 4500/5500 do you know what they generally cost?
And do you have any idea about how the Polk Monitor series compares with the Jamo 590/450 series?
I am looking to build a full 5.1 system for around 1L or so with the Denon 2105 and possibily the Phase tech V12 towers or Polk Monitor 70 towers and surrounds using the Monitor 30 series. I have not decided on the subwoofer yet as I am not totally impressed by the stuff I have seen till now. How does that sound to you?

Does anyone have any experience of buying these kinds of speakers abroad and getting them along on a plane by paying extra luggage?

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#20 erstellt: 21. Sep 2005, 11:46

vcs schrieb:

Does anyone have any experience of buying these kinds of speakers abroad and getting them along on a plane by paying extra luggage?

when my parents came from Dubai this feb they brought an excess of 50 kgs without paying a single paisa..most of the excess was becasue of the sub,Amp and speaker stands.
They could get it only because they had some connections in the Dubai airport and they let them carry the excess luggage.
getting speakers frmo ship is a better choice but will take time.
Trying sending a PM to Arj or even Hsmraj for more info on this.
#21 erstellt: 21. Sep 2005, 11:51
i just got a marantz sr 5500 from singapore-
1/3rd price-its about 16.5k there and 50 k here;
best option is take a cheap ticket- pick ur stuff-
if you know someone in customs- then its even better;
towers would be difficult-
but i guess a receiver + centre +surrounds can be
managed, without their packing -
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#22 erstellt: 22. Sep 2005, 03:19
Anirvan, did you have to pay anything at customs? What's the best way way to avoid customs charges (in case I do not know somebody at customs)?
#23 erstellt: 22. Sep 2005, 04:06
shops in singapore can also provide a lower invoice if yu want-2ndly carry a big samsonite and dont declare,throw the outer carton-and keep some cash ready to get past customs just in case-
another way that people take is land at calcutta where customs are slightly easier and them take a domestic to where-

so these many options you have-
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#24 erstellt: 22. Sep 2005, 06:32
These days customs is not so much of a problem, you are allowed 25K of free stuff in any case and the rest of the items are allowed at a max duty rate of 30%.
So if you were to buy an amp costing 40K you would end up paying 30% of 15K =4.5K which brings up your price to 44.5K. This is effectively a duty of just 10%!!!
Just remember to keep your invoice with you and proof that you paid that much only (CC reciept etc) so that you can dispute it if the customs officer decides to value your purchase higher than the price paid.
I have carried my 2 digital cameras with me when i moved to india from the US and did not have any problems with customs and I just explained to them that these were personal items that I had used for over a year.
I have also found it useful to carry a lot of candy with me, I have been asked by some customs officers for some "candy for the kids"!! just for the heck of it.

#25 erstellt: 22. Sep 2005, 06:51

vcs schrieb:
hi Pani,
I have not heard of the Marantz 4500/5500 do you know what they generally cost?
And do you have any idea about how the Polk Monitor series compares with the Jamo 590/450 series?


First of all regarding Marantz, its an awesome reciever, way better than Denon and Onkyo stuffs.
You got to give it a listen before buiying anything else. Its priced around 27k in India (4500) and 5500 would cost around 33k.

About the speakers, firstly you are comparing the speakers which are in two different leagues price wise as well as performance wise. The Jamo D590 costs 84k and D450 costs 1.3 Lacs. The Polk Monitor 70 costs 32k, where is the comparision ???? Yes the Polks are great for the price and particularly if you are into rock/pop kind of music.
Anyway if you are planning to invest 1 Lac for the whole setup then you cannot accomaodate the Jamo D series anyway.
Again I would stress that the Polk + Marantz combo is very good.
So check it out.
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#26 erstellt: 22. Sep 2005, 06:53

anirvan schrieb:
shops in singapore can also provide a lower invoice if yu want-2ndly carry a big samsonite and dont declare,throw the outer carton-and keep some cash ready to get past customs just in case-
another way that people take is land at calcutta where customs are slightly easier and them take a domestic to where-

so these many options you have-

Thanks a lot. Actually I have asked my Father-in-law to purchase an amp/receiver (NAD/marantz) from Bangkok. If he manages to buy I will pass the options to him. Good thing is he will land in Calcutta only this sataurday. I will bring it in Bangalore when I visit Calcutta in October. That's for the plan hope it gets executed successfully.

[Beitrag von diskspinner am 22. Sep 2005, 07:03 bearbeitet]
#27 erstellt: 22. Sep 2005, 07:16
perfect- ask him to throw the carton- wrap it nicely in a cloth- put it in the suitcase and walk thru the customs-
waise bhi customs doesnt catch serious looking 'elderly people'
best of luck-
you can infact contact places out there and negotiate-
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#28 erstellt: 22. Sep 2005, 08:33
He has gone for work, hope he can find some time & some shop selling those products. Let's see.

anirvan schrieb:
waise bhi customs doesnt catch serious looking 'elderly people'
best of luck-

Ok, I will ask him to look serious while coming back.

anirvan schrieb:

you can infact contact places out there and negotiate-

He is a much better negotiator than me but before buying he will probably call me up. I passed him address of NAD authorised distributor in bangkok but I could not get address of Marantz dealer in Bangkok from net.
#29 erstellt: 22. Sep 2005, 08:47
here sir;

MRZ Standard Co. Ltd.
746-750 Mahachai Road, Wangburapa, Pranakorn
10200 Bangkok
Phone : +66 2 2229181
Fax : +66 2 2246795

a pepsi for that
am sure there would be more in the pratunam area, MBK mall and nearby malls
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#30 erstellt: 22. Sep 2005, 09:05
Thanks boss. I have passed the info.

A pepsi from Bangalore to Delhi. Should I courier it? Well things would have been easier if you had asked for that 10 months back. I was in Delhi too before shifting to Bangalore.
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#31 erstellt: 22. Sep 2005, 09:06
I just found the price for the marantz from the local hyderabad dealer and he has quoted me much higher prices than what you indicated.
4500 ~35K
5500 ~50K
Where did you get prices that you have indicated? I would love to buy from those guys
BTW: Is the difference between the various models of AV Receivers so much that you can actually hear them, or, are the differences just in the feature set or specifications?
I am new to the world of the higher end audio and may "sound" like a complete newbie.

#32 erstellt: 22. Sep 2005, 10:14

vcs schrieb:
I just found the price for the marantz from the local hyderabad dealer and he has quoted me much higher prices than what you indicated.
4500 ~35K
5500 ~50K
Where did you get prices that you have indicated? I would love to buy from those guys
BTW: Is the difference between the various models of AV Receivers so much that you can actually hear them, or, are the differences just in the feature set or specifications?
I am new to the world of the higher end audio and may "sound" like a complete newbie.


The prices I have quoted is without papers with 6 months warranty. Normally the dealer himself is ready to give it at this price if you ask him without papers. Getting Marantz with papers in India is very expensive.

Also the difference between the same series of AVRs is not much except for a bit more power. You can very well do with 4500.
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#33 erstellt: 23. Sep 2005, 11:28

diskspinner schrieb:
That's for the plan hope it gets executed successfully. :?

The buying part is over. Marantz SR4500 with bills + 1 year international warranty costed around 18k in Bangkok. A little costlier than I expected it to be...but still a good buy (I guess) given the price in India (35k with papers ). But Anirvan got a much better deal. Bangkok seems to be a bit costlier than Singapore...Anyway...
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#34 erstellt: 23. Sep 2005, 13:31
Dealers in India charge very high in India due to the extremly high duty they pay and after sale service...remember they cannot carry the stuff as an individual do because the volume is high as well as for legal constraints .....
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#35 erstellt: 23. Sep 2005, 14:06
hey the 'soundnvisionhifi'[pune] guy qouted 26k Rs for SR5400 without papers.what do you think?
And 19k for SR4400.

[Beitrag von neono am 23. Sep 2005, 14:07 bearbeitet]
#36 erstellt: 24. Sep 2005, 04:34
not a bad price-but i presume the 5400 is being phased out- its not there on the US site- also in some time the 5500 wud be phased as they already have a 5600 with the same price-

another thing subho , does the 4500 have an on screen display? the greay market guy was giving me some story on that and trying to sell a denon-

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#37 erstellt: 25. Sep 2005, 17:51
Thanks for all the help guys, specially abhi.
Luckily my brother was in Taiwan this week and he picked up a Marantx 5500 for me at US$500 = Rs22K. The customs officer did not charge any duty as it was within the Rs25K limit
The only issue is that it is a 110v unit and i have to find a good transformer for it. Any ideas what rating transformer (xVA) is needed?
Any idea if marantz will honor the warranty in india?

Thanks for all the help again.

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#38 erstellt: 26. Sep 2005, 03:20

anirvan schrieb:
another thing subho , does the 4500 have an on screen display? the greay market guy was giving me some story on that and trying to sell a denon-


Are you talking about display on TV screen? I think so...but I still have not 'received' my receiver. It is in Kolkata right now. As expected he did not have to pay any customs charges. I will bring it to Bangalore in October, will be able to answer your question with confidence then.

Anirvan, is your piece 110v?
#39 erstellt: 26. Sep 2005, 04:16
hey subho,
my model is a 220v model, india specific-
silver in color, tho i would have loved the black one-
what speaker are you gonna use with it , keep informed-

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#40 erstellt: 26. Sep 2005, 05:52
Mine is Silver too. Till now among the speakers I have listened (at my budget) I liked Wharfedale diamond 9.1 the most. Marantz receivers are said to be warm sounding, so is wharfies and I like warm sound but need to see it does not get too warm. So after getting the receiver here I will start my second round of auditioning...which will include mission m32, monitor audio etc. Will let you guys know whatever I get.
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#41 erstellt: 28. Sep 2005, 12:02
I have the black one and now have to select speakers. Since I got the receiver at a lower price than i had originally bugeted for (38K for denon vs 22K for SR5500) my speaker budget went up by 16K or so to about 80K total for 5 speakers. What setup would be good with this receiver.
I have looked at Phase Technology V12's, Jamo D450/590, and Polk Monitor 70's.
Would you recommend me to try any other brands in this price range? Of the ones i have heard the best was teh D450 Jamo and then the Phase V12 and then the Polk Mon70.
Any ideas on a good sub, the speakers mentioned above already go down to 30Hz or so, do I really need a subwoofer?

#42 erstellt: 28. Sep 2005, 12:06
hey vcs,
did u find a good step down tranformer?

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#43 erstellt: 29. Sep 2005, 11:11
No i have not yet got a step down transformer, will do it this saturday when i get some time to go out into the market.
Do you know of any good brands that I can buy?

#44 erstellt: 30. Sep 2005, 04:20
nopes ,
but there was a thread on this some time back-
please track that-i tried finding it in delhi,
and got confused , so i decided against getting a
US model and sourced it from singapore-
i am sure u do get them.. just track that thread-
or may be u can contact some transformer makers,
and get it.

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#45 erstellt: 02. Okt 2005, 08:09
does anyone know if receivers need a pure sine wave input or they can run properly on a non sine wave but correct rms voltage?
I am asking this as I need a transformer to produce 110V from 220V or I can use a Triac circuit to chop the sine wave to a 110v rms supply. This wave is not a full sine wave but a partial sine wave.
My guess is that if the internal electronics work purely on DC voltage then it would not be any problem at all, but, if there is any way the receiver uses a transformer to reduce the input to a low voltage AC signal then I would be out of luck
The reason why i would like to use a triac circuit is that a transformer is not very efficient (check how hot one gets) and a triac circuit would only consume a few watts for a 1KW unit.
I am going to build this and try it out and let you know the practical results, but, if anyone has a diff opinion then please let me know.

#46 erstellt: 13. Nov 2009, 10:26
These days customs is not so much of a problem, you are allowed 25K of free stuff in any case and the rest of the items are allowed at a max duty rate of 30%.Just remember to keep your invoice with you and proof that you paid that much only so that you can dispute it if the customs officer decides to value your purchase higher than the price paid.

Simulation prêt
#47 erstellt: 15. Nov 2009, 18:54
Whats a Simulation Pret?
#48 erstellt: 16. Nov 2009, 10:25
Spam alert.
One has come here too.
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