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Audiophile Meet At Bangalore.

+A -A
#101 erstellt: 18. Aug 2006, 05:36

Cmon, dont take it so seriously, I was just joking..

Dude I too was joking.... will meet you there
#102 erstellt: 18. Aug 2006, 05:49

neitsche are u coming? in another thread u've mentioned ur onfor this weekend meet

Oohh what a pity?? why aren't you coming nietzche??
#103 erstellt: 18. Aug 2006, 05:54
Nietchze is coming guys...
Ist häufiger hier
#104 erstellt: 18. Aug 2006, 06:11

Yes. I am coming for the grand eye ball meet of audiophiles at Abi's home QTH.

#105 erstellt: 18. Aug 2006, 11:50
^^Sheesh mate don't use that word... I have a feeling i'll land up there and feel like a complete idiot having no clue what talk is going on :P. I'm a big time newb.
#106 erstellt: 18. Aug 2006, 11:54
Nothing like that buddy...we have very informal discussions..everyone would enjoy and take part I believe.
#107 erstellt: 18. Aug 2006, 12:04

^^Sheesh mate don't use that word... I have a feeling i'll land up there and feel like a complete idiot having no clue what talk is going on . I'm a big time newb.

Why dude??? You'll enjoy...

Nothing like that buddy...we have very informal discussions..everyone would enjoy and take part I believe.

Right said friend...Cheers

rapchandoos hai chotte rapchandoos
#108 erstellt: 18. Aug 2006, 14:33

rapchandoos hai chotte rapchandoos

Means ????????????
#109 erstellt: 19. Aug 2006, 06:38
anyone needs a pick up from round mg road? i'll be coming from jayanagar. only a bike so one person wonly. lemme know if half hour cos am not logging in after 1 pm today.
#110 erstellt: 20. Aug 2006, 03:43
Hi reignofchaos,
How do you plan to connect your M-audio sound card to my CDP ?? Please bring the necessary interconnects.
#111 erstellt: 20. Aug 2006, 04:51
Hey Reign ofchaos..what say we hook up and go together..i can come to ur place and we can go from there together..
What say..
Check ur PM..
#112 erstellt: 20. Aug 2006, 07:08

Savyasaachi schrieb:
Hey Reign ofchaos..what say we hook up and go together..i can come to ur place and we can go from there together..
What say..
Check ur PM..

Sure... what time will you be here?
#113 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 05:41
So finally it happened at Abhi's place.

I was there by 4:00 to help him and Jeeves was on time, followed by nietsche, sachi, reignofchoas , sudharshan and stevie boy.
Jeeves took us thru the journey of Miles davis transformation from jazz to pyschodelic music.. very intersting.

There was fun and frolic in air with all members roaring to laughter with light humuor and all genres of music played. (god save Abhi's neighbours). Followed by tasty snacks and some informal talk.

Reignofchoas opened up his starwars laptop and amazed us with his Maudio and senns. Abhi as usual was busy doing an A/B, so hence we will rename him as AB Pani and not Abhi Pani.

Sudharshan gave some critical inputs as well as Nietzche with some rhytmic music. Have I left anything unsaid?? Please write more guys.
Ist häufiger hier
#114 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 06:20
2nd successful meet organised by AB Abhi. Jeeves brief lecture on Miles Davis was very interesting. I think, Mohan you 've covered all the points.

Mohan> one doubt, what else AB Pani wants to AB
#115 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 06:27

ALS schrieb:

Mohan> one doubt, what else AB Pani wants to AB :D

My latest project!
#116 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 06:28
Hey Guys,
That was a memorable evening spent Man...As Sub has mentioned very rightly, there was fun frolic all around. It was so nice to see that Age is no barrier when Audiophiles meet. Everyone seemed to be floating on the same boat with similar frequency of mind. WHOA...

Time passed away like a Bullet Train..

Sub, you left something important buddy...

Jeeves has gifted me a CD of "The Best Of Miles Davis" ...Thanks a lot Jeeves buddy
And yes, your educainment (as you like to call it) session was a superb concept..though I missed some of it.

Sudarshan (ALS), thanks for your critical input regarding looks like Monster still does the best to my system.

Savyasachi, Reignofchaos and Stevieboy, Man you guys are really gave me some scary moments with your Hard-Rock session ...look at this:


(god save Abhi's neighbours)

Nietczhe, thanks for introducing us to yet another genre of music (though I dont know what to call it) was very different and interesting.

SUB_BOSS, thanks for your help buddy...hope your ears are doing fine even after extended period of n-earfield listening.
#117 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 06:32
Huge thanks to Abhi for the warm hospitality... all of us had an awesome time listening to music :). Next time round we should have pics!
#118 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 06:32
Hey guys, why are you hell bent upon changing my name
Sub, no need to get the snake-catcher, I will catch the snake today evening just wait..
#119 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 06:33

reignofchaos schrieb:
Huge thanks to Abhi for the warm hospitality... all of us had an awesome time listening to music :). Next time round we should have pics!

Thanks Reignofchaos....PICS...we really missed it this time.
Feel so silly about it

[Beitrag von abhi.pani am 21. Aug 2006, 06:34 bearbeitet]
#120 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 06:35

ALS schrieb:
2nd successful meet organised by AB Abhi. Jeeves brief lecture on Miles Davis was very interesting. I think, Mohan you 've covered all the points.

Mohan> one doubt, what else AB Pani wants to AB :D

I need your CAT5 braided cables...
#121 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 06:37

SUB_BOSS, thanks for your help buddy...

Comeon mention

hope your ears are doing fine even after extended period of n-earfield listening

My ears are used to loud music..

Sub, you left something important buddy...

Jeeves has gifted me a CD of "The Best Of Miles Davis" ...Thanks a lot Jeeves buddy

I wanted you to mention it on forum and let the world know that Jeeves is indeed a generous audiophile..

Everyone seemed to be floating on the same boat with similar frequency of mind. WHOA

And what with Jeeves F language almost rem,inds me of my college days..

Sachi and Reign hope you guys liked the music at my place.
#122 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 06:40

And what with Jeeves F language almost rem,inds me of my college days..

Thats where I felt like we all are on the same boat..
#123 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 06:42

SUB_BOSS schrieb:

And what with Jeeves F language almost rem,inds me of my college days..

yeah..i felt like iw as with my home boys!

Sachi and Reign hope you guys liked the music at my place.

U bet!..very nice...very nice
#124 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 06:46

U bet!..very nice...very nice

Thanks dude..we'll try n make it with some lager next time..

yeah..i felt like iw as with my home boys!

Jeeves you are required by public demand.. hone up your language for the next meet to inspire more and enable us to travel back chronologically to our younger careless days..
#125 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 06:50

SUB_BOSS schrieb:

Sachi and Reign hope you guys liked the music at my place.

Absolutely :D. It was a pleasure listening to those RF3II floorstanders :). Thanks once again
Ist häufiger hier
#126 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 06:52
Hi Abhi-Pani,

Thanks for being the host. What we missed was a group photograph. We had a nice four-hour interactive sidelines chat with music, litchi juice, Samosa etc.

#127 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 06:53

nietzsche schrieb:
Hi Abhi-Pani,

Thanks for being the host. What we missed was a group photograph. We had a nice four-hour interactive sidelines chat with music, litchi juice, Samosa etc.


Thanks....but for the PICS
Really feel sad about it.
#128 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 06:57
Abhi..the next time u guys meetup and take snaps remember to ask regin to super impose my pic
#129 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 07:00
stevie boy wrote :

will make it up with some of my patent walnut fudge for the next meet as my contribution wotsa

Hehehe guys now you know what to ask him for..
Ist häufiger hier
#130 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 07:03

no need to get the snake-catcher, I will catch the snake today evening

Abhi what does it mean after that you 'll AB it?

Abhi you can take my CAT-5 braided & try it out. Besides CAT-5, you can also try out my Straightwire & Audioquest active shielding int connects.

As all felt we missed the group photo, it didn't strike, I could 've brought my small Canon digi camera.
#131 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 07:09

Abhi what does it mean after that you 'll AB it?

A/B a 7 feet cobra with what???...
#132 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 07:15
Hey Abhi thanks for the was great to put a face to all the names...reignofchaos looks anything but!
Glad to meet Saachi as we wont see him for 2 years he's off to portland..the DIY kit makers will surely profit in Oregon!
We had a great time especially with the 'sonnet lumiere' provided by AB! Guys if you dont understand my language...this one is available in a good dictionary!!!!
See you soon!
Guys didn't we all miss Amp-nut??!!!!
#133 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 07:17

SUB_BOSS schrieb:

Abhi what does it mean after that you 'll AB it?

A/B a 7 feet cobra with what???... :D

You just wait...
#134 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 07:20

'sonnet lumiere'

Is it not son et lumiere???, so I guess you need a good dictionary.. No hard feelings Jeeve..

Guys didn't we all miss Amp-nut??!!!!

I missed Amp_Nut's offer as much as him..

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 21. Aug 2006, 07:24 bearbeitet]
#135 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 07:23
A good F dictionary!!!
#136 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 07:25
^^Lol sub boss back at his best

It is "son et lumière"(sound and light) :).
#137 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 07:30

A good F dictionary!!!

Now we are talking.. thanks for yopur infectious F** spirit..oops sorry did I say something.. I have a right to remain silent..

It is "son et lumière"(sound and light)

It has to be son et spirit et lumiere next time...
#138 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 07:31

it was great to put a face to all the names...reignofchaos looks anything but!

Well said buddy..

Glad to meet Saachi as we wont see him for 2 years he's off to portland..the DIY kit makers will surely profit in Oregon!

You bet!!

We had a great time especially with the 'sonnet lumiere' provided by AB!

I got it..thanks for the compliment

Guys didn't we all miss Amp-nut??!!!!

Yes could we forget this..we really wished Amp_Nut was with us with his Single Malt..
#139 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 07:36

A good F dictionary!!!

SUB_BOSS schrieb:

A good F dictionary!!!

Now we are talking.. thanks for yopur infectious F** spirit..oops sorry did I say something.. I have a right to remain silent..

It is "son et lumière"(sound and light)

It has to be son et spirit et lumiere next time... :D

^^Lol sub boss back at his best

It is "son et lumière"(sound and light) .

Looks like the meeting is still on...
#140 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 08:25
Hi Guys !

Congratulations ! Looks like you had a "blast"

How I wish I could be there ?


#141 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 08:42
After reading all the post-meet posts looks like more than a meet it was some jam-session (back to yesteryears).

Anyone coming to Delhi from Bangalore in September for the AV Expo??? We Delhites will be glad to meet you guys.

Keep up the good work and keep rockin'.
#142 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 09:18
It was real fun guys...Big Time...just imagine all Audiophiles making fun of the word "AUDIOPHILE"..
#143 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 09:26

just imagine all Audiophiles making fun of the word "AUDIOPHILE"..

One qt of audiophile sand for me......

Gold plated..hehehehohohohohoaa...

Hey I'm releasing audiophile drink it and listen to music you'll hear all details... refernce series gold plated is $ 1,499 for 500 grams... and audiophile tea cups with cone isolators : ref series $ 750 for 2 and entry level $ 300 for 2 cups...

How about my Audiophile generator which elimiates all power surges and gives you clean power .. costs $25,999,
but has to be run on audiophile petrol : ref series is $200 per litre and $55 for entry level.
Gold ref series spark plug will give you better spark and in turn runs the engine smooth, thus resulting in cleaner power...$ 600 per piece
Oops it will have to mounted on spikes.. gold refernce series spikes $400 and silver series are $320.

Next is audiophile cond**... prices later....

Want more audiophile crap... sit with me for a drink and after couple of blended malts I will give you..

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 21. Aug 2006, 09:48 bearbeitet]
#144 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 09:32
damn. one monday morning meeting that stretches till noon and the first thing i see when i log on is so many posts already!

yeah was an awesome time. thanks for being the host abhi! lovely place you've got too. next time dont spike my litchi juice with so much vodka sub boss might catch on and demand some too next time.

yups sub walnut fudge for sure next time. had some pals down from bombay so a little tied up. and hopefully by december you guys will get to listen to a valve system cross my fingers.

it was really weird seeing faces after imagining the people behind the online names. but nice so now at least we know who's behind the name

pics damn. i even had my camera phone. pics come out quite decent. next time if no one's carrying a digicam.

till the next meet!
#145 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 09:39

it was really weird seeing faces

I thought you saw weird faces...

never mind my advance wishes to be acquired valves.. but buy audiophile stuff from me...
#146 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 09:49
What about the Audiophile grade Cobra you have been taming ?? Its so natural

[Beitrag von abhi.pani am 21. Aug 2006, 09:49 bearbeitet]
#147 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 09:52

it was really weird seeing faces after imagining the people behind the online names.

I know whose face you are referring to...I told him not to look so cruel, but he didnt spare you guys
#148 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 09:52

What about the Audiophile grade Cobra you have been taming ?? Its so natural

Please don't waste my time and be specific.. is it the gold ref one or silver ref or master series or special edition or SUB BOSS Signature series or Limited Signature series cobra are you talking about??

I know whose face you are referring to...I told him not to look so cruel, but he didnt spare you guys

Abhi don't feel so guilty.. we didn't find you cruel..

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 21. Aug 2006, 09:55 bearbeitet]
#149 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 09:58

SUB_BOSS schrieb:

What about the Audiophile grade Cobra you have been taming ?? Its so natural

Please don't waste my time and be specific.. is it the gold ref one or silver ref or master series or special edition or SUB BOSS Signature series or Limited Signature series cobra are you talking about??

If I show this post to my wife, she may actually never visit your place out of fear.
#150 erstellt: 21. Aug 2006, 10:01

Abhi don't feel so guilty.. we didn't find you cruel..

How kind of you..
#151 erstellt: 23. Aug 2006, 04:53

Jeeves schrieb:
Hey Abhi thanks for the was great to put a face to all the names...reignofchaos looks anything but!
Glad to meet Saachi as we wont see him for 2 years he's off to portland..the DIY kit makers will surely profit in Oregon!
We had a great time especially with the 'sonnet lumiere' provided by AB! Guys if you dont understand my language...this one is available in a good dictionary!!!!
See you soon!
Guys didn't we all miss Amp-nut??!!!!

Was a pleasure to make your acquaintance Jeeves!
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