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power cords

+A -A
#101 erstellt: 08. Jan 2010, 06:57
sivat said:


I assume it is only the purity of the copper that makes the difference between original and fake cables...


I remain perplexed.... High end Power Cords often use "6 9s" purity copper. ( 6 9s = 99.9999% pure)

I am sure the Finolex is No where near this purity, yet sounds Very Good ...

Incidentally, I remember reading that one possible benifit of Finolex's Owner buying Silktech, would be the availability of Siltech's testing lab, that can test Copper for upto 6 9s purity ...
#102 erstellt: 08. Jan 2010, 07:05
Sivat said:

Amp Nut,

I do not become Generous by offering you a power cord worth Rs.200 ... i could be if i offered you an expensive CD player...but i can afford that

Do try this power cord and let us know your opinion.


Hi Siva,

THANKS for your Generosity & humility. I still insist that its a Very generous offer. The cable maybe worth Rs 200, but there has been your time involved to make it and the substantial postage. Most Significantly, I appreciate you going out of your way to send me one.

I have PMed you my Office address. Do let me know if there is any way i can reciprocate, should you want anyting from Mumbai.

Any Mumbai Audiophiles ... if you want to try this cable, call me, I will be happy to circulate.

Thanks again, Siva.
#103 erstellt: 08. Jan 2010, 07:49

Any Mumbai Audiophiles ... if you want to try this cable, call me, I will be happy to circulate.

I will first listen to it @ your place & then borrow it to take it to mine.
Should be interesting....
Better than a KS - Emotion [I think it was] !!
#104 erstellt: 08. Jan 2010, 08:32

bhagwan69 schrieb:

Better than a KS - Emotion [I think it was] !!

No Bhagwan, it was KS-Fascination that it bettered.
#105 erstellt: 08. Jan 2010, 08:57
Purity of copper is a factor only comparision to "fake finolex" cable.

With respect to Audiophile cable, the difference would be due to geomentry of individual wires and overall cable.
Hat sich gelöscht
#106 erstellt: 08. Jan 2010, 09:05
Hi Siva,

what do you do to shield your power cords? Any copper braiding, aluminium foils etc.? Only braiding the conductors helps only to a certain extend to prevent electromagnetic interference in your whole system.

#107 erstellt: 08. Jan 2010, 09:56

I did try a copper braid around this cable. It constrained the sound a there is no shield.

I guess there would be some amount of interference caused by the last 1 M of the power cord. But compared to the problem of interference, the sonic effect caused by the shield (change in Geomentry of the cable including possible LCR implication), is much more significant.

I do have a different theory on this...but let us validate this findings first...before we go there. I still feel, there could be something i'm missing !!

#108 erstellt: 08. Jan 2010, 14:08
Hi ampnut

I don't have em with me now. Gave two away to a friend but I think what I have is one with the finolex cable attached to live and polycab for the earth and neutral with a broken 3 pin plug. Something I had made as temp cord.

What we could do is make one or two again sometime.
Will need to get a few meters of cable, I have the plugs at both ends.

This weekend is totally busy. Can you source those finolex cable lengths ?
I do like the 2.5sqmm.

#109 erstellt: 09. Jan 2010, 09:23
well this is just my friend got me a deal on these hubbel plugs rated at 20A..they aren't the normal twin parallel leads for live and neutral but instead they are a pair that are perpendicular to each other whcih require a 20A receptacle..

He's got me changing my wall receptacles

well I guess that's an upgrade too right he's sending me over a hubbel receptacle to use with the plugs. Oh well..can't wait to get Jochen's power cords installed. They should be stateside by now along with some finolex cables (i doubt if they are originals however).

My grover SX interconnects got shipped out today as well, should have them by next week..can't wait for those, the ratshack and mogami just don't cut it for me now.

All this cable talk has me thinking about upgrading my line level hook up wire in my main amp..any particular suggestions?

Keep you guys posted.

[Beitrag von Savyasaachi am 09. Jan 2010, 09:25 bearbeitet]
#110 erstellt: 10. Jan 2010, 13:46
Manek said:

What we could do is make one or two again sometime.
Will need to get a few meters of cable, I have the plugs at both ends.

This weekend is totally busy. Can you source those finolex cable lengths ?
I do like the 2.5sqmm.

Should be good to listen to your cables, when you make them.

Siva has Very Kindly promised to send me his cable and I guess that it should be with me this week.

Would be great to compare your cables ( Finolex 2.5 sq mm ) vs Siva's preferred 4 sq mm.... ?

Manek, to source the Finolex cable, I need to know, not only the cross section size ( 2.5 sq mm ) but also how that is configured, ie maybe 3 relatively thick strands or multiple thin strands. In the latter case, the number of strands and the guage need to be specified.... eg 24 x 36 ( ie 24 strands of 36 guage wire for each strand )
#111 erstellt: 10. Jan 2010, 13:55
Hi AN,
I think This is what Siva is using
#112 erstellt: 10. Jan 2010, 16:29

Don't have the exact details off hand. Its definately 3 x 2.5sqmm lenghts. The number of copper strands internally I will have to lookup the details.
I think I have it written down. Will rummage thru the kit sometime and let you know.

In the mean time find a authentic finolex source :-)
My source was my friendly electrician who used to bring in a few cut lengths for me. Then he changed to polycab :-) due to obvious reasons. He too mentioned about spurious stuff.
There was another at cumballa hill but he doesn't sell loose anymore.

Back to lam road ???? :-)
#113 erstellt: 11. Jan 2010, 07:59
Not Lamington Road.... but Lohar Chawl ... Princess Street end is the market for Electrical goods.

I am going to wait till I audition the cable that Siva is sending me.

If I find it superior to what i am using, I will actively pursue...
#114 erstellt: 11. Jan 2010, 08:11

Amp_Nut schrieb:
If I find it superior to what i am using, I will actively pursue...

same here;

I have 9 power cords - all can be sold.
If the 'FC' [finolex power cord] improves what I am using, there is a lot of money I can get 'spared' with selling all the 'exotic' power cords that I use.
I shall first audition it @ AN's place & if it beats his power cords, I will take it home to play against my power cords...
should be interesting !
#115 erstellt: 11. Jan 2010, 09:19
power cords are on thier way to Mumbai...awaiting judgement day
#116 erstellt: 11. Jan 2010, 09:21

Arj schrieb:
Hi AN,
I think This is what Siva is using

This is it...
Ist häufiger hier
#117 erstellt: 11. Jan 2010, 11:12
though I used Finolex cable for my AV room circuit, power cords didn't work for me [felt somewhat dull sounding]. I tried it with CDP & as well with Amp. Compared to 4sqmm cable 2.5sqmm was little better [for CD player] [made 3 twisted pair with 2.5sqmm, then braiding them]
#118 erstellt: 19. Jan 2010, 11:08
THANKS to Siva, yesterday, I received 2 Mains Cables from Siva. They were very well wrapped and neatly packed.

Since I have received 2 Cables from Siva, they can be used for the CD player + Pre or Integrated amp.

These Cables use Finolex MultiStrand cable for Power cords. The workmanship and quality of connectors used is very good ( given the limited connector choice available for DIY in India.

The Wall side has the normal (Indian - Round Pins ) 5 Ampere 3 pin male connector.

Any Mumbai Audiophiles who want to listen / compare these cables are :

1. Welcome to my place
and / or
2. Pick them up, for a listen on their own stereo system.

Thanks again, Siva

P.S: Heard them Very Briefly last night. Will listen to them carefully over the weekend.
#119 erstellt: 19. Jan 2010, 13:58

Amp_Nut schrieb:
P.S: Heard them Very Briefly last night. Will listen to them carefully over the weekend.

I will 'join' you;
Saturday morning - maybe.
Will call & come.

I too am keen to audition it.


#120 erstellt: 26. Jan 2010, 14:22
Hi Guys,

Last night I listened extensively to Siva's Power Cord, that he so kindly sent me. He has infact sent me 2 cords.

I have used only 1 of the 2. Before using it, I connected it to my office PC, for 3 days, to burn it in. I listened to it briefly over the weekend, and then again last night Also heard it this morning, on a Variety of music.

In my system, I connected it to power my CD player, directly from the wall. The system was kept playing ( softly for approx 2 hours before serious auditioning.

My overall impression was that its a nice DIY cable, and perhaps could pass duty in a mid fi system, but was not ideal in a serious set up... Sorry Guys

Tonally, the cable was a bit forward compared to the Cardas that it substituted. However, that was fine with me, as Forward was just different, not better or worse.

However, the Finolx Mains cord simply lost out because it did not communicate any vibrancy of sound, rhythm, bass or HF resolution, nor did it lower the perceived noise floor.

My 'Hi-Fi' system, simply lost most of the 'Hi' and dropped several notches from its Hi Fi level.

As an example, the last track of the Free HD Tracks sampler, has just a male voice and castanets. The Castanets are 2 pieces of wood, that 'clap' together. With the Finolex mains cord, the castanets lost their Body and decay, and sounded similar to ping pong balls bouncing off a Table tenis table.

The sounds were ALL there, they were not tonally shifted, but the body and the reverberation was gone and the sounds had lost their 'soul'.

Using the MANGER test disk, Track 12 - Grandma's Hands by Livingston Taylor, has a Soft and deeeeeep Bass thump, which sets the pace and rhythm of the track ( I suspect this will not be audible on most systems that do not reproduce the last 2 octaves).

With the Finolex, the bass beat in the track was significantly diminished, and also lost its resolution and decay.

I suspect that the Finolex mains cord would acquit itself MUCH better on Vocals and forward sounding tracks, probably like Hindustani vocals or classical. Maybe it would be more comfortable in a Horn Speaker based system, where a different set of virtues are sought.

I would be happy to pass on the cable to any one else who would like to hear it. It may be a better match else where.

Again, my VERY SINCERE Thanks to Siva for sending me 2 of his VERY WELL MADE, Finolex multi-strand cable based Power cords.

DIY is all about Trial & Error. I am grateful to Siva for including me in this experiment.

The Cable is almost Free, but did not do much in my set up.

#121 erstellt: 27. Jan 2010, 03:18
A forum member sent me the following PM, which I am posting here and answering :

It was interesting to read your comments on Siva's power cord.
Did you try them only on the CDP or on other equipments also ?
Can you please let me know what power cords were you originally using which the Finolex replaced ?

I tried the Finolex power cord only on the CD Player, because in my experience, this is the position where a power cord has the greatest sonic impact, and its audible signature is most discernable.

Currently, a CARDAS Reference does duty in this position. Full details of my system are included on my profile page.
#122 erstellt: 27. Jan 2010, 08:34
Hello All !

I was present @ AN's place on Tuesday - 1130 to 1300 hours.
Had brownie & ice cream & listened to music.

I concur with most that AN has written;
Some places where I no do agree on are :-

Tonally, the cable was a bit forward compared to the Cardas that it substituted. However, that was fine with me, as Forward was just different, not better or worse.

The punch line for me is high-lightened.

I suspect that the Finolex mains cord would acquit itself MUCH better on Vocals and forward sounding tracks, probably like Hindustani vocals or classical. Maybe it would be more comfortable in a Horn Speaker based system, where a different set of virtues are sought.

I never heard any Indian Classical music - so I cannot comment on that. Horn systems i am not exposed to, so again
cannot comment.

DIY is all about Trial & Error. I am grateful to Siva for including me in this experiment.

The Cable is almost Free, but did not do much in my set up.

I wonder if any other Forum member would like to take up a cable experiment. Maybe Behram would like to give it a try - could be down his alley of sound....
#123 erstellt: 27. Jan 2010, 09:28
Thanks for trying guys. Atleast i know, i had a mid-fi system that has improve on the lower octatives. There is always a learning
#124 erstellt: 27. Jan 2010, 09:34

Had brownie & ice cream & listened to music.

Anyone else interested in the Brownies + Icecream + Listen ?

Most welcome.

Siva, thanks again. U R a gentleman.

I will keep the cord for a few days, should anyone else want to drop by for a listen, or want to take them home for comparison on their system.

Else will courier back to you.
#125 erstellt: 07. Feb 2010, 12:32
Had B & I [Brownie & Icecream] again - Saturday.
Report :-

This afternoon we did some lovely listening tests on 4 power cords @ a fellow audiophiles residence.
3 persons had come in.

Hello !

Spent an afternoon @ Amp Nuts place.

Heard a dCS Puccini CD Player - Thanks to Jay of Sound & Vision - Pune
along with a Meridian 808i.2 CD Player - Thanks to Faisal of Sound of Music
- New Delhi.

We also did some power cable 'exchanges'
Japanese Cables - ARN Systems - Bangalore - Mr. Sridhar / Mr. Siva - Bangalore - Coroson & SilenCable - Germany - Mr. Kraemar / Cardas - USA.

It was in interesting afte rnoon.

Mr. R**** [surealistic] - also a mumbai forum member - joined us.

The CD Player [s] sounded 'better' played direct - cd to power amp - pre
by passed.

The dCS Player DSD - SACD very very well. Clear Winner.

In PCM - it was very close - difficult to call.
Really - too close - it was down to ones own preference.....

All CD Players were given Argento Interconnect & Silencable Power Cords.
This was for the CD Player.....

Later we turned to test the Cables...
Here we used - the dCS to begin & then moved on to Meridian.

There was an audible change in each power cord.

The Japanese Power Cord from Japan - ARN Systems was good.
Very nice. The image height surely 'improved'
The Cardas was nice but could not make it.
The Finolex power cord was a 'non starter'
Just could not stay with them....

There was a close call between the Silen & the Japanese Cable - Sridhar - the name please.. Air King something - It was a good product.
All Bangalore chapter fellows may want to give it a try....

R****[surelleastic] & I preferred the Silencable & Amp Nut - I am not so sure what was it that he liked [eventually]
He will do some 'serious' listening this evening...

This is just a mail to keep you guys in the loop.

Would like to thank all 3 dealers for the product 'loan'
It is very much appreciated by us....

Software used was caried -
Manger Test Disc
Amanda McBroom
Patricia Barber
Dead Man Walking
HD Tracks
Some Isreal music
etc. etc.
#126 erstellt: 08. Feb 2010, 08:03
It was my pleasure to have hosted Bhagwan and Surealistic at my place on Saturday afternoon.

It was ABSOLUTELY my priveledge to have Bhagwan to bring over the Meridian Top-Of-The-Line 808.2 CD Player & Sound N Vision Pune to have provided the dCS Puccini CD Player for audition.

Thanks to Bhagwan, I had BOTH players over at my place Similtanouskly !

WOW ! These are arguably the World's 2 BEST Single Box CD Players.

This was as once in a lifetime opp for me, and I Truly appreciate it. I Am (probably) considering purchase of 1 of them...

Despite what magazine reviews say, IMHO, the 2 CD players present QUITE different sounds...Most mag reviews say they are almost indistingushable )

Would be happy to ost my views in detail, if forum members want to know ..

I am still listening to the dCS Puccini, and will probably be 'done' tonight.

THANKS again, to SNV & Bhagwan.... AWESOME !!!!
#127 erstellt: 08. Feb 2010, 11:23

Amp_Nut schrieb:

Sound N Vision Pune to have provided the dCS Puccini CD Player for audition.

You are most welcome Amp_Nut

WOW ! These are arguably the World's 2 BEST Single Box CD Players.

Both Meridian & Puccini truly are one of the finest 'one box' cd players.

I Am (probably) considering purchase of 1 of them...

I look forward to your valuable order.

Despite what magazine reviews say, IMHO, the 2 CD players present QUITE different sounds...Most mag reviews say they are almost indistingushable )

I too beg to differ on what the magazines have to say. They definitely sound 'different'.

Would be happy to ost my views in detail, if forum members want to know ..

I would love to hear to your views in detail on both the cd players.

THANKS again, to SNV

My pleasure sir.

#128 erstellt: 08. Feb 2010, 11:32
Fan of both brands for CDPs..have heard the top of the line dCS at RMAF..nothing short of spectacular.

Always thought meridian transport mechanisms to be uber cool
#129 erstellt: 08. Feb 2010, 11:34

Amp_Nut schrieb:

Would be happy to ost my views in detail, if forum members want to know ..

Nothing like it Amp_Nut.
It would add a lot of value. Its very rare for someone to objectively review two really good CD players on a top quality system and give an UNBIASED opinion in any of our Indian forums. We look forward to hear you .
#130 erstellt: 08. Feb 2010, 12:44

bhagwan69 schrieb:

Software used was caried -
Manger Test Disc
Amanda McBroom
Patricia Barber
Dead Man Walking
HD Tracks
Some Isreal music
etc. etc.

Great review. Thanks a bunch

It looks like there were no classical music among the software.
#131 erstellt: 09. Feb 2010, 04:30
The Manger Disc has classical.

Also played classical tracks frfom the Hong Kong HiFi show 2008 CD.

At such time, I trotted off to the loo !

Jest Kidding
#132 erstellt: 09. Feb 2010, 06:44

Savyasaachi schrieb:
Always thought meridian transport mechanisms to be uber cool 8)

The 'transport' in the 808i.2 is of Korean origin & is rather 'big' in size. It is a computer cd rom.
#133 erstellt: 09. Feb 2010, 06:47

square_wave schrieb:

bhagwan69 schrieb:

Software used was caried -
Manger Test Disc
Amanda McBroom
Patricia Barber
Dead Man Walking
HD Tracks
Some Isreal music
etc. etc.

Great review. Thanks a bunch

It looks like there were no classical music among the software.

Actually I am a lover of Classical Music.

However, AN does not listen to CM.
Hence, we did not use too much CM. The Manger has very nice tracks - Vivaldi / Beethoven & Hyden. All 3 are very nice.

You see, we were going back and forth on 4 power cords - so we have to keep a common CD for all.
#134 erstellt: 09. Feb 2010, 07:58
@AN &B

Thanks. Would have loved to hear your take on the cords with classical music.

I have seen people who listen to different genres preferring different types of gear / cables etc...
#135 erstellt: 09. Feb 2010, 08:26

square_wave schrieb:
Thanks. Would have loved to hear your take on the cords with classical music.

I have seen people who listen to different genres preferring different types of gear / cables etc...

I am sorry, but that will not be possible;

The 2 cd players are no longer with AN.

@ My place, I use a PP - so power cords do not make any differance.

Besides, AN does not listen to classical music & hence, testing that genre there - looks rather difficult...
#136 erstellt: 09. Feb 2010, 09:17

bhagwan69 schrieb:
@ My place, I use a PP - so power cords do not make any differance.


This is really interesting ! Have you seriously tested out different power chords with the PP ? If so might be the silver bullet to remove the Power Chord Effect !
#137 erstellt: 09. Feb 2010, 09:48
Forgive my ignorance, but what is a PP ?
#138 erstellt: 09. Feb 2010, 11:18

square_wave schrieb:
Forgive my ignorance, but what is a PP ?
I use the Euro Version - Schuko.
Power Amps are off the wall socket - via Echole Power Cord & Acoustic Revive RTP-2 & SilenCable Power Cords.
#139 erstellt: 09. Feb 2010, 12:56
Allow me to add, that the INPUT Power Cord to the PP DOES make a difference, so budget for that !
#140 erstellt: 09. Feb 2010, 14:28

Amp_Nut schrieb:
Allow me to add, that the INPUT Power Cord to the PP DOES make a difference, so budget for that ! :.

AN,Thats strange... Since it is anyway regenerating a pure sinewave from even from the worst possible input power, as long as the power carrying capacity is high , nothing else should actually matter beyond that.
#141 erstellt: 09. Feb 2010, 14:29
Well, yesterday I was at one of the Audiophile's place in BLR who has PP and there was a significant difference when we changed power cords..
All his equipments are connected to the PP.
He is still looking to improve his power cords, in a pretty much big way .
#142 erstellt: 09. Feb 2010, 14:30
BTW, we tried the power cords on his Chord transport .

[Beitrag von abhi.pani am 09. Feb 2010, 14:33 bearbeitet]
#143 erstellt: 10. Feb 2010, 04:42

abhi.pani schrieb:
PP and there was a significant difference when we changed power cords..

That is a nice observation;

What did you try ?
#144 erstellt: 10. Feb 2010, 06:03
We compared an Einstein Power cord to ESP Reference power cord.

The music was simple, Tracy Chapman and Norah Jones, good quality pressings.

All tests were done on the transport.
#145 erstellt: 10. Feb 2010, 07:42

abhi.pani schrieb:
We compared an Einstein Power cord to ESP Reference power cord.

The music was simple, Tracy Chapman and Norah Jones, good quality pressings.

All tests were done on the transport.

May I suggest, next time - try it on the DAC.

In any case, what result did you find ?



p.s. WHat happened to the 'finolex' cord ? Did you try that too ? Maybe through the PP it may 'perform' a little different !!
#146 erstellt: 10. Feb 2010, 08:05

bhagwan69 schrieb:

May I suggest, next time - try it on the DAC.

Will do, the next time I visit.

WHat happened to the 'finolex' cord ? Did you try that too ? Maybe through the PP it may 'perform' a little different !!

I missed that...another forum member reignofchaos is trying it out, I did not have it with me.

In any case, what result did you find ?

The comparison was between Einstein "The Power Cord" and ESP Reference. They are definitely not in the same league price wise. But then PP is supposed to bridge that gap .
The ESP was clearly better, higher resolution, better separation, more defined leading edge and longer decay, more relaxed presentation as well. Tones were similar. But the overall difference was quite a bit.
#147 erstellt: 10. Feb 2010, 08:26

But the overall difference was quite a bit.


At least, I am not the only person around that 'hears' a differance....
Appreciate your efforts & post.
All the Best !

The ESP is a good power cord - was considering them - however, I could not come to a price understanding...sad.

BTW - My SilenCable Symphony is ready - 2 pieces. Are being burnt in - will have them shipped on the 19th from Germany. They have been ready from the 4th. 2 weeks on the 'cooker'

My Wizzard has to go back - as an 'upgrade'
Am ready to give them away @ Euro 300/- [70 % off] if any person is interested. Money to be wired to Germany - direct.
#148 erstellt: 10. Feb 2010, 11:27


Sorry for not posting this even though I had promised to, a few days ago. A heavy work load and personal engagements after work hav kept me away.

I was absolutely delighted to have these 2 CD players....arguably the world's 2 best single box CD players in my system, simultaneously to audition & compare.


Much has been said about these players, both in the Press and on this Forum. It remains Meridian's pinnacle of CD player design. The CD player reads from a computer ROM and buffers this into memory before clocking it to the digital circuit. This machine plays CDs ONLY. It will not play SACDs or even DVD-Audios which were Meridian's baby. This is a pure, 100% all out assault on creating a top notch CD player.

Beautifully finished in black, to me this was easily the best looking CD player I have seen. The piece at my place was fully fitted with facilities for external digital input, doubling the machine as a high quality, DAC. It has a beautiful, logically laid out large remote control which provides all functions including volume control. This machine can effectively be used as a pre-amplifier + DAC + volume control, all in one large handsome box. (Big savings in high quality interconnects.)


The sound of this player was refined yet it through a large and deep sound stage. The sound stage was slightly more forward compared to my existing CD player. (Electrocompaniet EC - 1 UP) This should not be mistaken as forward sounding i.e. with a mid range prominence but forward in its presentation in that the sound stage began in line with the speakers but extended wide & deep. In fact this player was very musical, without high lighting any particular frequency band or characteristics. As a result the player sounded good on all types of music.... jazz, rock & classical. Both frequency extremes were very well extended without drawing undue attention to either extreme, or in fact any part of the audio band.

At the same time this player did not sound 'Analog' like some others which achieve that by rolling of frequency extremes. If I had to sum up the characteristics of this player, it is a huge refinement of the typical CD player sound. No specific characteristics like impact, rhythm or fluidity stood out above each other. They were all perfectly blended. This is not a CD player that would grab your attention. Instead it simply played music in very even and refined way.


dCS have often been acknowledged to be the last word in digital play back. Their proprietary ring DAC has held its own for probably more than a decade. The sound of the Ring DAC is constantly upgraded through software, providing a free & painless upgrade path to all users. This 1 box CD player provides CD & SA CD playback. CDs can be heard in their native 16/44 native resolution or upsampled to DSD (I think it is 2.2 MHz).The player also offers volume control, and external SPDIF (digital) inputs. This makes it a complete Front End centre ( Pre + DAC + Volume Control) same as the Meridian 808.2. Ofcourse both m/cs cant handle an analog input ...

The machine looks as if its is carved out of a single aluminum block and has a very nice sheen though I personally prefer the looks and the display on the Meridian. The Puccini's display, particularly for its custom menus is the little awkward... some may even call it primitive. However the interface is self explanatory and the user can go through the various options switching between the Menu & Play button, just as on many computer monitors. The remote control os unfortunately Cheap plastic, with TINY buttons laid out confusingly. It created a fair amount of aggravation in me, using it. The remote is MUCH below par for even an entry level DVD player, leave aside a m/c of this caliber. This was in sharp contract to the Meridian Remote, which could encourage me to buy the m/c for its remote control alone !


From its 1st note, the PUCCINI sound was VERY DIFFERENT & VERY DISTINCTIVE from what I have EVER heard from any CD player. A friend who owns this machine in the Netherlands had earlier told me that the sound was "From A Different Gene Pool". Very True.

The PUCCINI was very detailed, without being harsh in the slightest. It presented a recessed and extremely deep & wide sound stage. The sound stage began about 2 feet behind the plane of the speakers and extended for several feet beyond that. The sound staging was precise and every sound had its own identity and image position. A good example were this player demonstrated this property is in Patricia Barber's Mythologies CD, Song No. 4 : HUNGER. The track opens with a singing in perfect synchronization with a string instrument. Most players overlap these 2 sounds creating confusion between the identities of the singer and the instrument. The PUCCINI separated these 2 like no other. Soon after this opening passage, powerful bass follows and the PUCCINI presents this forcefully but EXTREMELY tightly controlled.... In fact so tight that I think I would better describe it as "DRY".

For loss of any other better word, I would describe the Puccini's tonal presentation as Very Taut, very controlled, very precise and … DRY. However, the player did not add any harsh edge to the music.... at least not on my system. It was all perfect, except for the musicality. Still, I LOVED its presentation and different sound in my setup & room.


This player also offers SACD playback and in this mode, transformed itself into a completely different animal. To my ears it was close to the ultimate CD sound. Very musical, very detailed, no dryness and a great deal of fun.

Up-sampling CDs to DSD did not approach the SACD sound by a mile. I found DSD upsampling maybe 5% smoother with a deeper sound stage but over all I preferred non-upsample CD playback since it just had more BALLS !


Please check details of my system, on may page. The system is dominated by very large speakers that has specified to provide a flat frequency response down to 17 Hz. This placed in a small room (approx. 15 ft x 12 ft yields a huge lower bass prominence despite acoustically treating the walls & ceiling. Sadly, my existing CD player puts out a huge amount of bass. I love my existing CD player for the wealth of detail, musical impact and rich tone. As you can see, I currently have too much bass in my system (probably need to consider silver interconnects) and any excess bass stands out awkwardly in my room.

Having said that, both the Meridian & the Puccini had less bass bloom than my Electrocompaniet. However the bass on both the new players was extremely well extended. The Puccini bass was extremely taught & dry, a HUGE welcome in my system. I heard bass quality & control I had not experienced before. In contrast to the Puccuini's ultra controlled sound, the Meridian went about its business playing music.

I first connected both CD players through my Audio Research LS 26 pre-amp because I have almost always experienced better sound through a pre-amp.

The Puccini was an exception. Its ultra taut, ultra dry sound lost some of its unique character through the pre. Therefore all my above auditioning was done with each CD player directly feeding my Gamut monoblocks with Argento reference interconnects.

I am not a fan of quick A/B comparisons, as I feel they only show up perceived loudness, and tonal character, but do not give Any clue on Rhythm and musicality.

Which CD player was better ? I am not sure. I loved both of them. What I am sure is that the 2 players don't sound ANYTHING like each other, at least on a full range music system. ( I simply cant comprehend how JA - the Editor of Stereophile concluded that these 2 players sounded almost identical, with the Meridian having only a touch more presence ! ) Come to think of it guys, each of these 2 players have probably 1000 transistors per channel, both in VERY different & propriety circuits.. How CAN they sound identical ??? )

The Puccini provided a welcome new sound though IMHO lost out to the Meridian on musical flow and musicality. The choice will have to be made by each user depending on the characteristics they seek and the rest of their system. However if in any system, THESE 2 players sound the same then, the system is not resolving enough and is not worthy of either of these 2 machines.

A HUGE Thank You To Jay Nihalani of Sound & Vision (dealer for dCS in India) for the Puccini and Bhagwan69 for the Meridian, AND to God for making both of them happen simultaneously in my home !

[Beitrag von Amp_Nut am 10. Feb 2010, 17:15 bearbeitet]
#149 erstellt: 10. Feb 2010, 13:13
@ Ampnut,
Thanks for the great review. Rarely do we see a Desi review of such fine products.

Performance wise, if you look at the following parameters how much are these players are above the electrocompaniet you currently own ? Music lover mode as opposed to the nit picking scientist mode Let's say your favorite musician who happens to be an audiophile too is visiting you and you are sitting around sipping your favorite poison and just enjoying the music

1. Overall enjoyment of your music.
2. The connection with the performers.
3. How close you are to the music. Absence of Fog in between you and the music.
4. Embarrassment factor.
#150 erstellt: 10. Feb 2010, 14:49

A HUGE Thank You To Jay Nihalani of Sound & Vision (dealer for dCS in India) for the Puccini and Bhagwan69 for the Meridian, AND to God for making both of them happen simultaneously in my home !

an appreciative audiophile!! I like that very much!

Like sq_wave wrote: very nice balanced listening report Amp_Nut & diplomatically you have not chosen one side or the other. I think that you are on your way to writing for Stereophile!
I've read similar comments re. the prev generation of dCS gear & it looks like the latest generation continues that tradition.
Anyway, well written!
#151 erstellt: 10. Feb 2010, 14:51

bhagwan69 schrieb:

abhi.pani schrieb:
PP and there was a significant difference when we changed power cords..

That is a nice observation;

What did you try ?

Bhagwan, just to be clear Abhi tried various power cords on the transport only (if you re-read his earlier post). I think that the way he worded his above/quote sentence it gives the impression that he changed power cords on the PurePower unit --> he did not. Just FYI. Thanks.
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