International Recognition For Indian HiFi Products

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#1 erstellt: 16. Jun 2011, 03:56
I got the July 2011 issue of STEREOPHILE magazine 2 days ago.

There is a 5 Page Write Up By Sam Tellig on Rethm and a review of the Trishna Speakers.

I was also pleasantly surprised to read a mention of Ex Peerless R&D (India) head Milind Patel who now runs Hermit Audio.

Great to see Indian Products getting International press..

[Beitrag von Amp_Nut am 16. Jun 2011, 07:21 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 16. Jun 2011, 05:12
apparently the trishna driver was developed specifically by Hermit just for that. I believe jacob plans to do the same for Maarga and Saadhana too.
6Moons has always given Rethm a very good hearing. nice to see Stereophile do that too,

[Beitrag von Arj am 18. Jun 2011, 03:25 bearbeitet]
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