sioux woofer

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#1 erstellt: 11. Nov 2005, 19:02
first sorry that i cant speak dutch
'am from belgium

has any one an idea

where i can find more information about sioux woofers ?

i have 2 sioux woofer 1000W

does anyone have a site off sioux ?

Ist häufiger hier
#2 erstellt: 11. Nov 2005, 19:17
I don't think woofers of sioux are good.
Which music do you prefer and how much money do you want to invest?
I think we can tell you which woofer would be better for you. Maybe for the same price...
#3 erstellt: 11. Nov 2005, 20:58

C-Max schrieb:
I don't think woofers of sioux are good.
Which music do you prefer and how much money do you want to invest?
I think we can tell you which woofer would be better for you. Maybe for the same price... :D

i all ready have 2 sioux woofers 1000watt
#4 erstellt: 11. Nov 2005, 21:06
Do you have the exact name of the subwoofer?
Or do you want general information about Sioux subwoofers?
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