3x20 cable

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 26. Jan 2005, 18:18
hi before i start putting in my new ststem a couple more question???

1. the ( lichtmachine ) will get all new cables.

2. from the front battery to the rear 3x 20 the guy at the local hifi shop suggested it?? does that sound ok??

3. in the back i want to use copper bars for the transfer of the + to each of the the amps. each amp should also get its own ground.

4. i have heard from a lot of people that the
( condensator ) are realley not needed.

5. if the gel bat i asked about in a nother thread is ok i want to use one in the front as a starter bat and one in the back extra for the system.

6. my kenwood head unit KDC PS909 has 3 out puts front rear and sub. my question is how in the he!! do i go from 1 set of sub out to 6??

thanks for any help

#2 erstellt: 26. Jan 2005, 21:37
come on sonebody can give me some help. if you dont understand let me know and i will try to explain it a nother way
#3 erstellt: 27. Jan 2005, 13:45

i hope you can translate it...
#4 erstellt: 27. Jan 2005, 14:20
Makes me curious why you use the word shit so freely and at the same time censor!ng hell

Oh, very offtopic nvm

Though i think you're able to translate the thread by yourself, just in case: i would be happy to help

#5 erstellt: 27. Jan 2005, 14:35
lol never thought about it.

thanks for the offer i can read german without any problems but have never been forced to write it so it would be kinda of hard for you to understand it. you proabley unerstand my english better than if i wrote german

#6 erstellt: 27. Jan 2005, 15:15
makes sense, if the wiring of the equipment is getting big or u got tiny ones coming out of the alternator compared the the ones u want to use.
please specify the dimensons, 3x20 of what metric or gauge?
sound u are going big, copper bars surely will do, but have be installed and kept safe. dependig on the components that use want to build in, they might not be necessary
i figure u can skip it when use a 2nd bat
i dont understand:
u dont know how to connect the 3 pairs of outputs?
u want to run several amps for subs?
u have only 1 sub and dunno which to connect?

as mentioned the thread and the pictures within are pretty helpful

#7 erstellt: 27. Jan 2005, 16:59
hi ok i need to go from 1 set of chinch to 12 sets. i will have 3 2 channel amps. or can i bridge the 2 channel amp and make it mono??

later brian
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