Audio System PM/4

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#1 erstellt: 12. Jul 2005, 15:51

what do you think about the AS sound processor. I want to use it for my complete front system. 2 16 kicks 2 16mids 2 55mm mid high and 2 tweets. On the 3 way system I will use a opus 2chnl amp and for the 2 kicks I would like to use 1 amp per kick. Thanks for any help

#2 erstellt: 12. Jul 2005, 16:48

. 2 16 kicks 2 16mids 2 55mm mid high and 2 tweets.


that´s imho bullshit!! (sorry) you´ll NEVER get this system tuned well!!

take 2 16er and a tw per side oder 1 or 2 kicks and a mid and a tw, but NEVER more!
#3 erstellt: 12. Jul 2005, 16:50
eh ??????

the 3 way system is from radical audio plus the extra kicks.

i kinda thought that should sound real nice.

later brian
#4 erstellt: 12. Jul 2005, 20:06
the sound tuner is very good but it would be better to look for an alto drive 8 because of the timecorrecture. its a very important feature for an as expensive system. i am sure it will sound nice
Bye Ls4
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