Advise needed for set up

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#1 erstellt: 07. Okt 2004, 08:33

I am new to this forum. I have been spending two days of visiting car audio shops. I have had a lot of advise, but unfortunately some contradictionary . So, I am referring back to you experts.

I drive a 1987 Lancia Thema. It is a special version, so I do not want to cut up the door panels. Standard place for the front speakers are under the dashboard, with sound directed to the knees.

I have been thinking about installing a composet (16.5 cm2) for frontspeakers (I will use the standard place but will adjust the dash so the speakers will fit), a 4 channel amplifier and a subwoofer in the back. I currently have 6 x 9" speakers in the back, but I am not sure whether I should use them (i.e. connect them directly to the radio or to the amplifier).

What I am looking for is a natural sound. I listen to a lot of live concerts (Dire Straits, Eagles, etc.) I do not want to blast the windows out of my car!

The following has been advised:

Focal 165V2 (75/150W)
Hifonics ZX 6400
Kicker Comp 12"

Boston FS60 (50/150W)
Audison LRx 4.300 (4 x 65/105W)
Cerwin Vega 12"

Audio System BX 165 Pro (80/150W)
Audio System Twister F4-260 (4 x 65W)
Audio System Radion 12 BR

Boston FS60 (50/150W)
Rockford P4004
Sub woofer to be determined (4 x 50/100W)

Infinity Kappa 65.5cs or Clarion SRS 1751 HX
Infinity RA 5004 (4 x50W)
Kappa 100.3se or Clarion SRW 1043

Also got an advise to place only speakers in the back:

Mac Audio Olympic Gold (200/300W)
Boschmann PCH 868
Bazooka (Bass tube)

I have heard the Bostons play. Not heard the other ones.

What advise is (un)useful? Would you combine?

#2 erstellt: 07. Okt 2004, 10:30
Hi Diederiek,

as you prefer the natural sound, acousticali made Music,
i would perfer the Audison/boston/ Vega Set.
Should fit your needs´.

I would get rid of System in the Back,
tihs just disurbs your frontstage.

Ist häufiger hier
#3 erstellt: 07. Okt 2004, 10:54

do not omit speakers in the front because it sounds terrible especially when you are used to listen to concerts...

I use rear speakers but with very low power just to fill the room in the back with sound

Many people would not recommend to use a bass tube because you can get better results with subwoofers in a box (properly fitted enclosure, maybe vented)

Since I don't have any experience with the speakers and amps you have listed I'd like to state the following:
Try to listen to them.
It is nearly impossible to find the perfect combination from scratch and it depends extremely on what you expect from your sound-system.

I did not spend huge amounts of money for my system (10cm coax front and 16cm compo back on helix hxa 400 4x75W, 12" sub in a vented box on axton c408 1x350W)
and it sounds very good compared to the time before.
I also didn't want to cut my doorpanels but now I am seriously thinking about it because a 10cm system is practically bass-less .

With a good front speaker system (16.5cm compo) and a subwoofer you will be a lot happier than now.

#4 erstellt: 07. Okt 2004, 10:57
Dear Diederik,

i totaly agree with Daniel.

You surely can connect your system in the back to the radio (or, if money doesn`t matter, to an amp), but this could disturb the frontstaging (sometimes, a system in the back can be helpful, but not with the components, that Daniel (and me) prefers).

I have a remark to your membership : you have flagged the point "GEWERBLICHER TEILNEHMER". This normally means, that you are a dealer (trader) of electronic parts (Hifi). Is that right ? If not, you can change it in your Settings.

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