Problemen mit grundig CN1000

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#1 erstellt: 15. Mrz 2005, 11:49
sorry for my writing in englisch aber meinen deutch ist nicht zo gut.
I have now for about 6 jears my daddy's Grundig CN1000.
it records better than any new recorders, but now the forward en backward spooling isn't working anymore.
is it because of some drivebelts, and so, are there replacements? the playing speed is still fine, belt is changed 3 jears ago.
maybe someone has got a grundig CN1000 HIFI wich he/she wants to sell?
also i'm looking for a replacer for my daddy's Grundig RTV 1040? if someone has got that kind of material that is working perfectly please contact me!
#2 erstellt: 15. Mrz 2005, 17:09
Hi there,
the CN1000 has only two drive-belts for capstan and counter.
The reels are driven by idler-wheels, controlled by solenoids.
The CN1000 can easily be disassembled, so check the idler-wheels
and clean them. Also check the function of the solenoids.

#3 erstellt: 15. Mrz 2005, 18:16
so i have to check the weels.
i have notist than when you running it free it will run but by a ligt pushing movement agains it it will stop amededley.
i shall try it.
#4 erstellt: 19. Mrz 2005, 17:07
it didn't realy help, besides that i've sadly broken one of the rulers (right bottom side of the deck)
does anybody knows if there are parts for that?
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