!!! Technische Daten zum SA-800 gesucht !!!

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#1 erstellt: 04. Nov 2005, 20:42
habe einen Pioneer SA-800 geerbt und würde nun gerne erfahren was das Gerät für Leistungen erbingen kann. Da ich im Netz nichts gefunden habe wende ich mich an Euch, in der Hoffnung heraus zu finden ein top, flop oder was auch immer für eins bekommen zu haben.

Bedanke mich schon mal im Vorraus

Lieben Gruß aus Wuppertal
#2 erstellt: 04. Nov 2005, 20:45

vielleicht hilft dir das weiter:

Viele Grüße,
#3 erstellt: 04. Nov 2005, 20:50
Danke dir Michél,

habe diesen Beitrage gelesen und nichts an techischen Daten des SA-800 mitnehmen können. Scheint ein ordentliches Gerät zu sein oder gewesen zu sein aber das wars dann doch!

danke dir trotzdem


[Beitrag von de_oernest am 04. Nov 2005, 20:51 bearbeitet]
#4 erstellt: 05. Nov 2005, 00:02

ich kann dienen mit:
SA-800, Baujahr 71-73, Neupreis damals 240US$.

der SA-900 hat der folgenden Seite nach 2x90 WattRMS, vermutlich hat der 800er halt en Tacken weniger. http://www.classic-audio.com/pioneer/sa0900.html
#5 erstellt: 05. Nov 2005, 11:56

ein paar bescheidene Infos aus meinem Archiv zum Pioneer SA-800.

A deluxe quality solid state stereo amplitier with all-stage direct coupling circuitry and super-wide power bandwidth 5-50,000 Hz.
The Pioneer SA-800 is a professional stereo amplifier that, in Performance and specifications, ranks with the very finest of high power units now being manufactured today. lt has a multitude of features that make it suitable for most anyone's home stereo System, but especially one that requires multiple-purpose versatility. The SA-800 employs all-stage direct coupling circuitry in the power amplifier section, a vast improvement over conventional circuitry using coupling capacitors, and the result is an astonishingly wide power bandwidth of 5-50,000Hz (at 8 ohms). The unit also has a high-grade protector circuit using relays and transistors which safeguards the speakers and output transistors under all conditions. There are two sets of tape terminals for easy tape-to-tape duplicating; there are also dual phono terminals which can accommodate both moving magnet and moving coil cartridge turntables. There are other extras, too, which make the SA-800 a truly professional instrument as weil as tremendous investment in the kind of quality that Pioneer continues to make famous.
The power amplifier stage of the SA-800 is all-stage direct coupling quasi-complementary single-ended push-pull circuitry utilizing high-performance silicon transistors. Since output and coupling capacitors have been entirely eliminated, signals are fed directly to the speakers. And the elimination of the capacitors has resulted in a wide power bandwidth and frequency response curve extending to the ultra low-frequency range and vastly improved characteristics in the higherfrequencies. Always before, the use of capacitors placed certain limitations an the frequency below which the frequency response curve could extend, and their micro-inductance often contributed to inferior characteristics in the higher sound range. Now in the SA-800, oscillation and other instability produced by coupling capacitors is eliminated, and negative feedback is increased. This results in an extremely low level of distortion throughout the whole sound range. The power bandwidth is 5-50,000Hz, a remarkable figure, and the signal-to-noise ratio is also improved since no thermal noise is produced by coupling capacitors. One listen to the SA-800 will prove its new standards of stereo perfection.
The SA-800's direct coupled power amplifier is the key to vast improvements in stereo performance, but with this new circuitry it is vital that speakers be protected against often dangerous DC potential which could result in sound distortion and damage to the speakers through overheating of the voice coils (DC shock). To protect your speakers, Pioneer has invented a perfect protector circuit that allows the advantages of direct coupling circuitry to be exploited to the full. The protector circuit is composed of one relay, seven transistors and nine diodes. Its task is to protect the speakers from DC shock and the power transistors from short circuits in the speaker output terminals, as well as from excessive current at the output stage. This protector circuit also effects muting for about three seconds after power is switched on. Additionally, in the event of dangerous DC potential at the output stage, the differential amplifier detects the DC content and shuts off the relay circuit, preventing DC from flowing to the speakers. In the event that short-circuit speaker output terminals or excessive current is present at the output stage, the AC content is detected and the protector circuit functions to protect the power transistors. Finally, the muting effect serves to eliminate unpleasant noises that occur when conventional amplifiers are turned on.
The SA-800 delivers music power up to 165 watts (at 4 ohms, IHF). Its highly durable, triple-diffusion mesa power transistors combine with the direct coupling circuitry to provide stable Output power throughout the entire frequency range. This is well reflected by the 5-50,000Hz power bandwidth, and the continuous power output specifications. Continuous power output for each channel at 8 ohms is 41 watts, and it is 34 watts per channel at 8 ohms with both channels driven continuously. In the critical listening range of 20 to 20,000Hz, continuous power output, with both channels driven, is 26 watts plus 26 watts at 8 ohms. WIDE DYNAMIC RANGE HEAD AMPLIFIER SECTION
The equalizer/head amplifier of the SA-800 consists of three direct coupled stages. It possesses high gain and, therefore, a wide dynamic range. The elimination of coupling capacitors means that the amount of negative feedback can be increased, which also contributes to a greatly improved harmonic distortion and signal-to-noise ratio, as weil as to a highly stable operation. The entire circuitry employs low noise silicon transistors. Signal-to-noise ratio is more than 80dB.
The SA-800's control amplifier uses a three-stage direct coupled circuitry with low noise FETs (field effect transistors) employed in the first stage. This type of control circuitry applies negative feedback with frequency selectivity from the third stage emitter to the first stage source, and the amount of feedback is thus switchable. Use of FETs eliminates noise and results in high impedance. Also, influence from the previous stage is eliminated and frequency characteristics are unaffected. All components of the NFB circuitry may be switched by the tone selector, permitting precise control in 3dB steps, just as you would wish to -alculate.
The SA-800 is equipped with two sets of tape output terminals. You thus may use any two tape decks-open reel, cassette, 8track cartridge, etc.-connected simultaneously, and carry out tape-to-tape duplicating and dual recording with great ease.
Another convenient feature of the SA-800 is its dual phono input terminals. The PHONO 1 position has a pair of terminals for moving magnet (MM) and ceramic (CER) cartridge turntables, while the PHONO 2 position can be switched to accommodate either moving magnet or moving coil (MC) cartridges. If you use MC cartridges, an optional transformer (Pioneer Model PP-402) must be used. With these inputs, it is possible to compare a pair of phono cartridges or employ continuous playback of two different turntables.
The SA-800 is complete with microphone input terminal, thus permitting the use of microphones for recording concerts or for other events. The amplifier is also equipped with two auxiliary terminals for irregular program sources.
Because the SA-800 is equipped with low and high filters, each having a cutoff characteristic of 12dB/oct, all motor noise, source hum and record scratch noise are eliminated.
The preamplifier and main amplifier sections of the SA-800 can be used separately by using the pre/main switch. By adding an electronic crossover network (Pioneer Model SF-700 or SF-500) and one or more power amplifiers, you may also adapt your
music system to a multi-amplitier stereo system.
The SA-800 is equipped with a center channel output at which the L+R signals are present. You may use this output for threedimensional stereo and for recording an a monaural tape recorder.
The SA-800 incorporates other extras for extreme versatility. You may use two Sets of speakers separately or together with the speaker selector switch. Then there's an audio muting switch, a mode switch and loudness switch, too.
The SA-800 combines a modern control panel with luxurious cabinet styling in natural wood. lt reflects the elegante that is designed into its performance characteristics. Used with other Pioneer components, it presents an appearance of perfectly matched excellence.
Music Power Output (IHF): 165 watts (4 ohms) 108 watts (8 ohms)
Continuous Power Output: (each channel driven)53 watts/53 watts (4 ohms)
41 watts/41 watts (8 ohms) Continuous Power Output: 39 watts+39 watts (4 ohms)
(both channels driven)34 watts+34 watts (8 ohms) Power Output in the range of
20 to 20,000Hz:26 watts+26 watts (8 ohms,
(both channels driven)harmonic distortion less than 0.5%)
Harmonic Distortion: Less than 0.5% (continuous power output)
Inter Modulation Distortion: Less than 0.5% (continuous power output)
Power Bandwidth (IHF):5 to 50,000Hz (8 ohms, harmonic distortion less than 0.5%)
Frequency Response: 5 to 80,000Hz ±1dB
Input Sensitivity/Impedance: 560mV/100 Kohms (1KHz, continuous power
Speakers:4 to 16 ohms
Damping Factor:65 (8 ohms, 1KHz)
Center Channel Output:500mV
Output Voltage:3V (rated output), 5V (max.)
Harmonic Distortion:Less than 0.1%
Frequency Response:20 to 60,000Hz ±1dB
Input Sensitivity/Impedance: PHONO 1 MAG; 3mV/50 Kohms (1 KHz, for rated output) CER; 56mV/100Kohms
PHONO 2 MM; 3mV/50 Kohm MC; 110,µV/30 ohms(with phono input transformer model PP-402)
MIC; 2.3mV/25 Kohms
TUNER; 230mV/200 Kohms
AUX 1,2; 230mV/200 Kohms
TAPE MONITOR 1,2; 230mV/
200 Kohms
Recording Output:TAPE REC 1,2 (pin jack); 230mV
TAPE REC (DIN connector); 35mV
Bass Control:-9 dB, +12 dB/100Hz (3 dB step)
Treble Control:-12 dB, +9 dB/1OKHz (3 dB step)
Low Filter:-3.5 dB/60Hz (12 dB/oct.)
High Filter:-3 dB/6KHz (12 dB/oct.)
Equalization Curve:PHONO: RIAA S.T.D.
Loudness Contour:+11.5dB/100Hz, +6.5dB/10KHz,
with volume control set at -40 dB position
Muting:-20 dB
Hum and Noise (IHF):PHONO; more than 80 dB
TUNER, AUX; more than 100
Channel Separation (1KHz): PHONO; more than 50dB
TUNER, AUX; more tf)an 55 db
Power Requirements:110, 120, 130, 220, 240V
(switchable, FVW) 120V, 60Hz (KUW)
Power Consumption:230 watts (max.) 80 watts (U.L. standard) Dimensions (overall):16 15/16(W)x5 11/16(H)x13 1/4(D)inches
430(W) x145(H) x337(D)mm
Weight:Without package: 23 Ib/10.3 KgWith package: 27 lb/12.3 Kg

Preis in der Schweiz 1972 Fr.1220.-



[Beitrag von Michael-Otto am 05. Nov 2005, 11:59 bearbeitet]
#6 erstellt: 05. Nov 2005, 12:46
Michael-Otto und sein Archiv.....
Ich bin immer wieder begeistert. Der gute Mann hat mir schon mit meinem alten Denon PMA-700z weitergeholfen.

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