Yamaha ax-1050 "mute" reset?!

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 18. Mrz 2006, 18:09
Hello HIFI fans,

I am sorry but i can not write in Deutsch.(hope you forgive me )
I am from holland and nowbody owns a ax-1050 there.

My questions are the next:
Is there a way of reseting the "Mute" function without a Remote control (fernbedienung)?

Do other ax-1050 owners still hear music from this amp. after turning on this function.? (because its a -20db mute)
(My amp gives al little music like al light amp.)

Does anyone know the typenumber of the remotecontrol for a AX1050.
And is there anybody with the lay-out of this product?

dus anyone know if the fernbedienung of a 1070 of 1090 will work on my amp.

Is there anybody who has a fernbedienung and would like to sell it to me?

Thanks for your answers already.

Chris aus Holland.
#2 erstellt: 18. Mrz 2006, 23:46
My English is not very good.

part one: You must need the remote-control for the AX 1050.
Without this remote, you get absolute no chance.

part two: You can use the Remote Control of AX 1070 /
AX 1090, it will shurely works with your amplifier-equipment. AX 1050.
#3 erstellt: 19. Mrz 2006, 11:22
danke sehr fur das antwort (something like that)

Is there anybody who has a remotecontrol for my amp to sell.

vielen dank

groet Chris
#4 erstellt: 31. Mrz 2006, 16:09
I am looking for a service manual (schaltplan)
for mij AX-1050,
Is there somebody who can make a copy for me.
I will pay the costs.
Scanning is also verry good.
I have a brakedown and can not repair it without it.

Please send answers to my mailadres:



Maybe a service manual of a AX-1070 or ax-1090 also is verry helpfull.
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