40S2000 or 40V2000 ?

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#1 erstellt: 10. Jun 2006, 19:13
Can someone knowing well these two Sony LDV-TVs tell me and others in short, please, what are main diferences beetwen them? 40S2000 costs 500€ less.

Thank you!
#2 erstellt: 11. Jun 2006, 10:28
AFAIK the V has a different backlight that allows a "wider colour gamut". Not sure if that makes a big difference.

Why don't you check the featurelist on sony.xx
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#3 erstellt: 11. Jun 2006, 12:27
Have checked sony.de but there is only 40V2000 to be found and tech datas are displayed only for housewifes not for advanced. It*s a shame that Sony has no more general Catalogue. Realy a shame.
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#4 erstellt: 12. Jun 2006, 19:44
Have one more question! Can someone tell us, please, do these 40S2000 and 40V2000 have fan (Lufter) built in? I don*t want to buy myself LCD with a fan.
#5 erstellt: 15. Jun 2006, 21:10
Neither the V2000 nor the S2000 has a fan.
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#6 erstellt: 20. Jun 2006, 09:13
Are you 100% shure, Aixess, I have seen KLV40S2000 and KDL40S2000 with a fan? Could be that latest models now do not have a fan built in?
#7 erstellt: 20. Jun 2006, 09:34
My brandnew S2000 has no fan.
#8 erstellt: 20. Jun 2006, 09:36
Some people were reporting that there was no fan.

Contact the sony email support if you want to be 100% sure.
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#9 erstellt: 27. Jun 2006, 13:44
OK, one more thing. Maybe has someone read VIDEO 6/2006 where Samsung LE40R71 and Sony KDL40V2000 were compared and tested. But the pictures there all coresponds to silver Sony KDL40S2020 not KDL40V2000. Now I realy don*t know how KDL40V2000 looks like? If someone has one at home, has KDL40V2000 black speakers under the display or is it all silver, like pictures in VIDEO 6/2006?


[Beitrag von Cefizelj am 27. Jun 2006, 13:49 bearbeitet]
#10 erstellt: 27. Jun 2006, 18:30
The Bravia V2000 looks exactly like this (any size)

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#11 erstellt: 28. Jun 2006, 12:38
Oh, super! SONY !!

1.)Are those pictures from IFA and CeBIT yours, Aixess?

2.) I had Samsung LE40R71B on test and picture was very very good. Samy was not mine, just loaned. Now I am gona buy SONY 40V2000. Would you say, Aixess, I will not make mistake by buying it, as I know that both LCDs (Samsung and Sony) have one and same LCD Panel inside? Is the diference in quality worth extra money?

[Beitrag von Cefizelj am 28. Jun 2006, 17:10 bearbeitet]
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