Power consumption 52A856 vs. 52A756

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#1 erstellt: 11. Feb 2009, 15:20
Much to my surprise the 52A856 consumes 390W, which is 100W more than the 52A756 (listed at 290W).

Can this be true? Panel and electronics are the same to my knowledge. Is it just a typo made by Samsung?
#2 erstellt: 11. Feb 2009, 15:38

I don't really know the models, but I could imagine, that the A856 has some technological -more or less useful- features and therefore bit more power consumption. You should also remember, that these numbers are the maximum power consumption - in average the consumption is lower.
Ist häufiger hier
#3 erstellt: 11. Feb 2009, 16:02
Thanks for your reply. I have service manuals for both models and (hopefully) soon will own both models. From the SMs I can't find significant differences in features other than the slim line case for the 856. I will do some measurements when the 856 arrives.
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