Klein+Hummel O96 hochtöner und sicherungshalter kaputt

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#1 erstellt: 19. Mai 2023, 23:03
Ich suche eine person mit erfahrung mit diese lautspracher und wer kann Englisch sprechen?
Ich bin im Norwegen mit meine defect Klein+Hummel O96. Es gibt kein Ton vom Hochtöner, und der sicherungshalter ist gebrochen wegen altem Plastik.

Ich hoffe jemand kann mir helfen.


Joachim Dalgard
#2 erstellt: 19. Mai 2023, 23:25
Hi Joachim,

your first name sounds very german ... but we can continue the conversation in English.

Do you own the service manual?
Which are your skills? You own a multimeter? Any knowledge in physics and/or electronic circuits?

If possible upload some pictures using the IMG-button.
#3 erstellt: 19. Mai 2023, 23:55
Hello. Yes, Joachim is quite common in Norwegian as well.

Here is a picture of the fuse that broke, one of the two metal hooks is broken and I could thus not attach it, in my attempts the whole plastic screw broke and split in two.

fuse holder -

As for the tweeter, I have noticed that there was no high frequency information and I put my ear into it and it is completely dead. I have inherited these speakers and I don't know the condition they are in, but my guess would be that the amplifier for the tweeter is the issue...

I have a multimeter, but I have only worked on very easy reparations and am by no means an expert. I dont have a manual, but I know it exists online...
#4 erstellt: 20. Mai 2023, 00:11
Okay. The fuse holder will not be a great problem. If you know the diameter of the hole you can get a new one. Maybe it belongs to the tweeter circuit?

First you should test the tweeter using the multimeter. You should measure the resistance directly at the connectors. The socalled DC-resistance should be <10 Ohms (f.ex. 3 Ohms).

If the resistance is within the limits (see above) there will a problem with the power amp.

If you need the schematics write a personal message (PM) containing an email-account I can send the files to.
#5 erstellt: 20. Mai 2023, 10:11
thank you. I am not yet allowed to send PM, maybe if you start the conversation?

[Beitrag von jdalgard am 20. Mai 2023, 10:13 bearbeitet]
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