Building Twiggy Questions.

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#1 erstellt: 04. Aug 2019, 16:43

After looking all over the net for a nice small set of speaker to build and give to a friend, I have settled on "Twiggy" to build.

I know that the baffle width and driver spacing cannot change if using the crossover as designed, but what about making the speaker a little taller by adding space below the woofer? I ask this because I was thinking of putting the port underneath the woofer at the front rather than at the side.

Also, I was going to use 3/4" material rather than 1/2". Would of making the speaker a little deeper so that the overall volume is maintained be a problem?

Thank you,

David - Canada (sorry for the English)
#2 erstellt: 04. Aug 2019, 21:52
hi dave
(and sorry for my english "skills" )

natürlich es ist möglich, den BR-port auf der schallwand anstatt auf der seite auszuführen. die anordnung auf der seite reduziert gegenüber der frontseitigen anordnung den mitteltonmüll etwas.

ebenfalls ist es kein problem, das gehäuse etwas höher zu bauen. die ursprüngliche ausführung der twiggy war übrigens als transmissionline - es passt dieselbe weiche.

die verwendung von dickerem material, sofern das volumen etwa gleich bleibt, ist unproblematisch. ob du hierbei den speaker etwas höher oder etwas tiefer aufbaust, ist dabei egal.
jedoch solltest du beachten, daß beim tieftöner seitlich noch genügend abstand zur gehäusewand übrig bleibt.

noch zwei threads zur twiggy:
link #1
link #2


of course it's possible to take the BR-port on the baffle instead on the side. the arrangement on the side reduces the "medium-tone garbage" slightly against of the front arrangement.

also, it is no problem to build the cabinet a little bit higher... the way, the first version of the twiggy was built as transmissionline - with the same network.

the use of thicker material isn't a problem, if the volume remains about the same. And it doesn't matter if you build up the speaker a little bit higher or a little bit lower.
however, you should check that the woofer still have enough space on its side.

if you have some more questions, don't hesitate to ask.

finally two other threads about twiggy:
link #1
link #2

have fun!
Ist häufiger hier
#3 erstellt: 11. Aug 2019, 17:44
Have you ever seen a pair made with a removable baffle?

I was wondering how much tweeter diffraction there would be with a couple of screws in the upper corners?

Thank you,

#4 erstellt: 11. Aug 2019, 18:47
hi david,
I never have seen one. I also think that in this case it's more a optical criteria because of the chamferred baffle.

two suggestions:
- why you don't make a removeable rear wall, and screwing the baffle from its backside? or
- double up the baffle, so that it's possible to fix the baffle invisible behind the drivers?
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