VSA 1000

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#1 erstellt: 21. Sep 2021, 20:50
hello everyone, may you help me with the amplification plan of a visonic VSA 1000 PRE / MAIN AMPLIFIER equipment
have a fault in the amplifier and it has been impossible for me to repair

greetings from Chile
#2 erstellt: 22. Sep 2021, 11:24

It will not be easy to find a circuit diagram for such a rare device.

Here someone also had problems with the device. Maybe it will help you a little.

Eng. translate

Orig. german

#3 erstellt: 22. Sep 2021, 17:14
To make it easier for you, here is the full schematic of the integrated amplifier Visonic VSA 1000:

Visonic, VSA-1000 schematic circuit diagram Schaltplan

I found the service manual at hifiengine.com, which requires just an easy email address based login.

- Johannes

[Beitrag von Poetry2me am 22. Sep 2021, 17:15 bearbeitet]
#4 erstellt: 22. Sep 2021, 17:34
General advice:
-- check if main amp channels both have <=100mV of DC voltage ("offset"), otherwise there is a main amp damage. Measure offset before the protection relais, e.g. at emitter resistors.
-- check permanent heat sources like the voltage regulator transistors, including Zener diodes.
-- check the "fusible resistors" as they are always suspicious at that age. These will show (seemingly random up or down) resistance changes, sometimes fail completely. Can be replaced with regular resistors.

- Johannes

[Beitrag von Poetry2me am 22. Sep 2021, 17:36 bearbeitet]
Ist häufiger hier
#5 erstellt: 22. Sep 2021, 17:42
Hi , a good way to start is what is the amp doing and whaqt is not working, so for example the amp stays in protect , check the output transistors for shorts...a.s.o. so could you explain in more detail what´s the issue?
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