Help! Canton sub 800R.

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 15. Dez 2022, 11:59
I had a problem with the remote control from the canton sub 800 r. The battery in the remote control is dead, and it was replaced with a new one, but the remote control only blinks red. I tried pairing, as written in the manual ("press - Phase", "+ Phase" and "Power / Auto").
Unable to connect. The warranty has long ended, the support of the canton does not want to answer letters. Tell me where can I buy a new remote or how to pair?
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#2 erstellt: 15. Dez 2022, 12:30
Check keys of the RC:
use a digital camera (or the camera of a smartphone) direct it to the rc and look on the display while you are pressing the needed keys.
Each time you should see the (flickering) light of the IR-diode.
If all keys failed the test: You are that the polarity of the battery is correct? Look for markings + and -.
Polarity ist okay but no key works: RC is defective or the new battery is too old / doesn't work.

If the test fails for one or two keys: perhaps you never used these keys for a long time. Try to make the work by retrying the tests several times.

If the RC seems to be okay (all tests passed).
Turn power off and wait a minute.
Retry pairing. Remember: the keys should not be pressed at the same time but sequently.

Good luck!
#3 erstellt: 15. Dez 2022, 13:08

CarlM. (Beitrag #2) schrieb:
Check keys of the RC:
use a digital camera (or the camera of a smartphone) direct it to the rc and look on the display while you are pressing the needed keys.
Each time you should see the (flickering) light of the IR-diode.
If all keys failed the test: You are that the polarity of the battery is correct? Look for markings + and -.
Polarity ist okay but no key works: RC is defective or the new battery is too old / doesn't work.

If the test fails for one or two keys: perhaps you never used these keys for a long time. Try to make the work by retrying the tests several times.

If the RC seems to be okay (all tests passed).
Turn power off and wait a minute.
Retry pairing. Remember: the keys should not be pressed at the same time but sequently.

Good luck!

This is a radio remote control, it does not have an IR diode.
#4 erstellt: 15. Dez 2022, 13:37
Sorry. I read the Canton-Homepage:

Then you can only check the batterie (polarity, voltage). Check for other hardware like power supplies, DECT-phones ... which could cause problems.
#5 erstellt: 15. Dez 2022, 13:54

CarlM. (Beitrag #4) schrieb:
Sorry. I read the Canton-Homepage:

Then you can only check the batterie (polarity, voltage). Check for other hardware like power supplies, DECT-phones ... which could cause problems.

Thanks for the advice. It's a shame that the support of the canton does not want to help.
#6 erstellt: 15. Dez 2022, 14:49
I see that you read other posts as well.

I did the same. My impression is, that the RC loses its memory when it is not used for a longer time (with empty batteries).
Maybe it has to be programmed again.
There are a lot of posts concerning problem with subs using this RC (800R, 1200R, ...).

[Beitrag von CarlM. am 15. Dez 2022, 14:50 bearbeitet]
#7 erstellt: 27. Jan 2023, 23:52
I need that remote, can You ship it to me? I am from Lihuania. Thanks!!

bypioner (Beitrag #1) schrieb:
I had a problem with the remote control from the canton sub 800 r. The battery in the remote control is dead, and it was replaced with a new one, but the remote control only blinks red. I tried pairing, as written in the manual ("press - Phase", "+ Phase" and "Power / Auto").
Unable to connect. The warranty has long ended, the support of the canton does not want to answer letters. Tell me where can I buy a new remote or how to pair?
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