Upgrade T+A Criterion TMR160

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 01. Nov 2019, 15:00

My name is Juliusz - I'm living in Denmark and I've bought those speakers for about 1 month ago. I'm impressed about the bass line the produce - however, the rest of music frequency seems to be a bit boring and flat. High-levels are really sharp and detailed but on the other hand they're overhelming - and comes definitely in 1st plan. Beside of previous owner described highs as "too much", I like the way they are reproducing high tones, however on some tracks they're too loud and too much attacking.

There's also a definitely big lack of mid levels. I've had B&W CM1 (2-ways) studio monitors before and they were light years better in mid range than TMR160.

I was thinking of it's because of the speakers age (year-build 1989) and they need to be recapped with better capacitors (Jentzen, Nichicon, Mundorf?)?

I saw also that one person on ebay is selling crossover "modification-plan" for 100 EUR and he declares that this mod will push the speakers on much better/higher level of music presentation. Have some of you bought this plan for 100EUR and is happy with the result ?

Did anyone of you guys tried maybe to modificate crossover on their own with superb results ?

My speakers are paired with Yamaha M85 power amp and Yamah CX-1000 as pre-amp.

I would really appreciate some help in this field

Sorry for the message in english - but I don't speak german at all.

Greetings for all T+A speakers owners
#2 erstellt: 02. Nov 2019, 00:27
Hello, Julius !

Wellcome here !

Replacing the caps ist a good idea. The midrange-class of Jantzen, Mundorf or Intertechnik is good enough for these speakers.

By the way: Using flat-wired- or Triax-Coils makes only the salesman more rich and high-flying.

You mean this guy: Modifizierte Weiche TMR160 ?! Be sure: He is only cooking with water, too.

But I have seen a freaky modification at Klangmeister - Germany !

Another way could be realized by replacing the high-range tweeter. This will be a " Vifa D19-TD-05 ". 8 Ohm impedance. Only a 19mm diaphragma. Maybe next to 4 kHz crossover.

You can find so much other TMR's with the better Vifa D25 oder D27 ( = mm ) tweeters.

Regarding your M85 you could damp the cabinet a little bit more to decrease the bass reproduction. Or changing the positions of the material.

I can' t help your more, because I never had any TMR.

Good luck,
#3 erstellt: 06. Nov 2019, 16:02
Thank you for your reply Erik

After all consideration I think I'll kepp Criterion's for some time without any modifications and then try to sale them after maybe 1 year, because my main goal is B&W CM10 or Focal Electra 1028BE. I'll spend money on reacpping and improving M85 instead of

Greetings Julius
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