faroudja chip

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#1 erstellt: 29. Dez 2005, 07:51
Hello there, still concerning the oppo dvd player,
Do U really think that macroblocking, mosquito noise and blotchy backgrounds are directly linked to the use of a faroudja chip for upscaling ??
My denon 1910 gives poorly results on my pioneer plasma when reduce's got better results with oppo to the pretty same plasma ?
I'm confused. I even thought about purchasing a sony dvd player with their own upscaling way: precision cinema progressive. I was told that the better upscaler out there still was faroudja. So I go round and round in circles. I count on reduce to make up my mind about the purchase. Thanks to all for the quick answers I got. I have to tell you that your one of the most responsive forum on the net. Merry Xmas and happy new year every1.
#2 erstellt: 29. Dez 2005, 12:14

vanbit schrieb:
Hello there, still concerning the oppo dvd player,
Do U really think that macroblocking, mosquito noise and blotchy backgrounds are directly linked to the use of a faroudja chip for upscaling ??
My denon 1910 gives poorly results on my pioneer plasma when reduce's got better results with oppo to the pretty same plasma ?
I'm confused. I even thought about purchasing a sony dvd player with their own upscaling way: precision cinema progressive. I was told that the better upscaler out there still was faroudja. So I go round and round in circles. I count on reduce to make up my mind about the purchase. Thanks to all for the quick answers I got. I have to tell you that your one of the most responsive forum on the net. Merry Xmas and happy new year every1. :prost

I don't think Faroudja generally produces Makroblocks.
It's a compatibility Problem with specifc Displays.

My DENON-1920 (Faroudja) and my LCD-Beamer Sanyo PLV-Z3 are very goor friends an make a very pretty picture.
None of your told Problems here...

[Beitrag von alex1971 am 29. Dez 2005, 12:15 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 29. Dez 2005, 12:36
I am using the OPPO with a Panasonic 42`Plasma and i don`t have any macroblocking, mosquito noise and blotchy backgrounds.
With my older Hyundai Plasma i had macroblocking, mosquito noise and blotchy backgrounds with the same Player(OPPO971H).
So i think it is more a Dísplay/Beamer problem and not a Faroudja Player problem.

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