Audio HI FI Dealership in Kolkata

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#1 erstellt: 22. Okt 2008, 19:26

My 1st post in this wonderful forum I need some guidance from all of you specially who are from Kolkata.

I am putting up an audio HIFI showroom in Kolkata.The brands which I wish to showcase are not those easily available ones like Sony,Panasonic or an Onkyo.I am interested in stuff which are exclusive but has a market for both low ends as well as high end.

Products where I wish to invest in are:

Amplifiers/Home Theatre
Stereo Amps

Can you friends guide me as which are the brands which I should go for dealership in Kolkata which should honour the following:

1)Should be exclusive so that its not easily available in Kolkata

2)Should be compatible with each other in terms of mix and match of different audio components.

Please suggest.

[Beitrag von hifiaudio am 22. Okt 2008, 19:28 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 23. Okt 2008, 03:51
Hi Hifiaudio,
Could you please post this in the buy and sell section ?
#3 erstellt: 24. Okt 2008, 01:20

hifiaudio schrieb:

My 1st post in this wonderful forum I need some guidance from all of you specially who are from Kolkata.

I am putting up an audio HIFI showroom in Kolkata.The brands which I wish to showcase are not those easily available ones like Sony,Panasonic or an Onkyo.I am interested in stuff which are exclusive but has a market for both low ends as well as high end.

Products where I wish to invest in are:

Amplifiers/Home Theatre
Stereo Amps

Can you friends guide me as which are the brands which I should go for dealership in Kolkata which should honour the following:

1)Should be exclusive so that its not easily available in Kolkata

2)Should be compatible with each other in terms of mix and match of different audio components.

Please suggest.

I agree with square_wave - please post this in another sub-forum such as the Buy/Sell sub-forum (Or maybe "Other Hi-Fi" subforum?)
If you want to talk shop, please do it elsewhere.
This forum is meant to discuss audio with other audio enthusiasts & suggestions for audio gear for PERSONAL use & NOT Commercial use.

I also suggest that you RE-REGISTER in this forum as a Commerical member (I do not see "Commercial Member" next to your moniker/user name).

Moderator please move this thread to the appropriate place. Thank you.
#4 erstellt: 26. Okt 2008, 06:48
Do you think these are right times to open up an audio/ht shop ? Or for that matter any business ? Looking at the consumers shyness to spend in the next 6 months.

On the flip side, the deals that you may get on real estate, commission rates, and staff costs may be good for a short time to start a reasonably low overhead business.

#5 erstellt: 29. Okt 2008, 09:54

Manek schrieb:
Do you think these are right times to open up an audio/ht shop ? Or for that matter any business ? Looking at the consumers shyness to spend in the next 6 months.

On the flip side, the deals that you may get on real estate, commission rates, and staff costs may be good for a short time to start a reasonably low overhead business.


Agreed and thanks for your concern.
But I do not wish to delay things any further as I think a person who loves and is passionate about these will always go for such products.
#6 erstellt: 02. Nov 2008, 18:49
Here's an idea. Go to SKS Traders on Lansdowne and make a list of products they stock. Then add to that list Paradigm. Then add Sonodyne. Then add all the ProFX products. Now you may stock whatever's not on that list. Simple, isn't it?
#7 erstellt: 03. Nov 2008, 12:00

Shahrukh schrieb:
Then add all the ProFX products.

Are they still available ??
#8 erstellt: 03. Nov 2008, 16:24

sivat schrieb:

Shahrukh schrieb:
Then add all the ProFX products.

Are they still available ??

oh yeah!! And, going strong!!
They stock mucho Denon, lower & mid-end KEF speakers, Chord CDP & DAC, QED cabling. Probably more brands as well but these I can remember off the top of my head.
When you get a spare moment loiter into the store & play dumb with a salesman.
They are reasonably well-versed in audio & HT. (key word is "reasonably").
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