Teenbuzzer Ringtone

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#1 erstellt: 14. Jun 2006, 07:21
Hi Folks,

The hot topic nowadays amongst cell phone users(teenagers)is this 17khz / 18khz ring tone that cannot be heard by adults. I wonder how many of us audio enthusiasts can hear the entire audio frequency spectrum although we crave for audio equipment that reach a certain minimum standard.

I have tried it myself by playing a test CD containing tones all the way upto 22 khz. and I noticed that I cannot hear anything above 15khz at the same level with reference to 1 khz. Obviously there is the Fletcher munson curve that reduces the ear's sensitivity at that frequency but have not tried raising the amplifier drive level furthur up for fear of damaging the tweeter.

Wondering if any of you have tried this experiment ?

#2 erstellt: 14. Jun 2006, 08:18
Hi Behram,

I thought my hearing was still good to beyond 15KHz, but about a month ago, my daughter told me " Daddy, why dont you shut off the TV ".

The TV screen was blank, so I told her it was shut off.

She said "NO - Cant You Hear That Shrill TV Sound ? "

That is when I realkised that I could no longer hear 15.25 KHz.

Other guys, do revert with :

Your Age:
Can U hear the TV Shrill oscillation ?

#3 erstellt: 20. Jun 2006, 06:07
This will make you laugh but I can hear the shrill TV sound sometimes at night but only with my right ear, cant pick it up with my left
Maybe ear wax, maybe my left ear has lost its sensitivity above 15k but then again the area I live in is very noisy.

It may not be a bad idea to have ones ears cleaned professionally, I think I'm going to get that done in the near future just to see if there is a diff.

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